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Advice for those who have never lived in New York, but arrived


Source: Facebook

Marina Sokolovskaya, a popular blogger originally from Ukraine who has lived in New York for many years, shares his TOP-15 for those who first came to the Big Apple.

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1. If you decide to use the metro late in the evening, then choose the fifth carriage - it is always on duty.

2. Remember that in the NY metro there are express trains and local ones, the former rush past many stations, the latter, on the contrary, slow down everywhere.

3. Buses in NY are clean, cool and very comfortable. The arrival time can be found by sending a text to a special number - it can be found at every stop. One minec - buses often get stuck in traffic jams ...

4. In many places of our city can be reached by ferry. For example, in IKEA. And on the free ferry that goes to Staten Island, you can look at the Statue of Liberty. Another ferry runs between Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn. Do not list all. It is very cheap or generally free.

5. The famous yellow taxi can only be stopped with a wave of the hand, you can not call it by phone. Conversely, there are taxis that can only be called, but not stopped on the street.

6. Remember that in NY there are traffic jams and on its pedestrian part. This is, for example, Times Square until midnight. Streets around Macy's and Penn Station on a weekend after lunch. Penn Station at rush hour. Canal Street most of the time. Some areas of Central Park ...

7. To cut through the crowd, use the "long gaze" method: keep your gaze at least 15 meters away from you, and stay focused on where you are going. The main thing is to look confident, then you will “cut” the crowd like a hot knife of butter.

8. A bagel sandwich or breakfast plus coffee at any Dely deli is cheaper than McDonald's and Burger King breakfast.

9. Some coffee shops have CUPS - you pay once a month for unlimited coffee. The more coffee you drink, the more you save, plus help small coffee shops. A coupon for CUPS can be found online.

10. Remember that “regular” coffee usually means two large spoons of sugar and some milk.

11. When traveling around the city be sure to use the NY Restroom program, which shows the presence of public toilets. Remember that the toilet room is usually in the Starbucks coffee shop.

12. Yes, in New York you can meet a rat. In the subway or underpass. So already open informational portal where you can see the places of accumulation of these animals, learn how to behave when meeting with a rat and how to protect them from the apartment.

13. Don't be afraid to call 311, a city service whose staff can answer almost any question about the city's layout, from parking rules to filing a complaint about a noisy neighbor. You can communicate with the dispatcher through an interpreter. Language range - impressive

14. Most stores deliver groceries - check this when purchasing.

15. And yes, be friendly. The word sorry is a visiting card of the city residents.

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