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How to learn to eat, sleep and live without a smartphone in your hand: expert advice tested by experience



Each of us has at least once found ourselves losing track of time by opening Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte or other social networks for a minute ... We can wander for hours on the Internet, unable to escape from this magical trap. It is not surprising that more and more famous people and bloggers arrange an Internet detox for themselves, defiantly refusing for a while virtual communication.

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Coach and business coach Yulia Kulikova-Tsai tells how to learn to have breakfast, watch movies and learn lessons with children without a phone in their hands. After all, this is a perfectly feasible task for everyone. The question is the motivation and interests of man, writes

Diagnosis or business card?

To say that social networks are killing real life is the same as saying: weapons take lives from people. Social networks do not adversely affect real life on their own. But the dependence we fall into with them makes us think.

Do not forget that social networks have become an analogue of a business card for a modern person. Many companies study their accounts before hiring a person. For example, you are unlikely to be able to get an SMM marketer in a large company if the audience of your profile on Instagram or Facebook is less than 500 people.

Through social networks, you can find old friends, classmates, classmates, colleagues, colleagues and other necessary people. The ability to not lose useful contacts and important contacts is one of the main advantages of the online world. Of course, before we lived without the opportunities that social networks offer, but globalization is forcing us to be in them more and more. And, nevertheless, everyone needs to know the measure in virtual communication. If life in social networks absorbs real life, many serious problems arise.

Sinister emoticon

Active use of social networks leads to the fact that living communication disappears from people's lives. We simplify our communication utterly by using emoticons instead of words. Social networks carry us into a virtual world in which we do not have the ability to fully realize the need for live, real communication.

In fact, they lead us away from the real life that is happening here and now. They show us an artificially created life that is full of bright moments and in which everyone is "all right." Social networks contribute to the formation of emotional isolation from the outside world and the development of sociopathy, introversion and misanthropy. In some cases, this causes such a negative impact that a person is ready to get an automatic machine and shoot his real environment. And, unfortunately, such situations are happening now - in the most prosperous, it would seem, countries.

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Watching the lives of bloggers and public figures, there is a dissatisfaction with oneself, a feeling of envy, hatred, etc. A person can begin to move away from the life that he lives, as a result of which various claims, reproaches and conflicts with relatives and relatives can arise. In Russia, studies on this topic have not yet been conducted, but American sources say that, for example, adolescents in the USA are easier to communicate with online friends than with parents. They are not able to accept any criticism from their parents and consider it impossible to turn to them for help if necessary. In the future, this may negatively affect the ability to build communication both on a personal and professional level. That is, absorbed in virtual communication, we lose the ability to effectively communicate and interact in the real world.

Social networks often cause psychological damage and lead to depression. A person may worry that his life is not as good as the “photo life” of others. Can suffer when his photos do not gain enough likes and comments. He becomes dependent on approval and other people's opinions. He becomes dependent on the fact that something needs to be photographed for social networks, and if there is no way to do this, then interest in the process or event is lost.

Workday on social networks

Statistics show that on average a person can spend hours per day on 4-6 social networks. For some active users, this figure reaches 8 hours or more. Uncontrolled use of the Internet leads to the fact that people have reduced vision, suffer posture, cardiovascular system, and physical inactivity.

The use of gadgets and devices, despite all the innovative approaches in their production, adversely affect a person. The light from the screen of a PC, tablet or phone affects the brain with its radiation, knocking down sleep and rest and systemically exciting the nervous system. This affects the quality of sleep and the ability of the brain to adequately process the information received. Fans of all kinds of gadgets lose their memory, their ability to concentrate, and this is not a complete list of negative consequences.

Who and why is most vulnerable

As a result of excessive use of social networks in people, the psyche suffers, which at times leads to irreversible consequences. Particularly dangerous is the lack of restrictions for adolescents and children, since their psyche is labile, they do not yet have the proper degree of awareness, their life position has not yet been fully formed. Virtual reality can create porridge in young heads, bring down any life guidelines, replace the concepts on which the eternal values ​​of our world are held.

If at the moment of formation of the internal foundation at the age of 13-21, a person is immersed in social networks with his head, he becomes dependent on the opinions of others, and this leads to an underestimation of self-esteem and the absence of critical thinking. The young man ceases to understand himself and society, tries to get away from solving personal issues, more and more immersed in Internet life, where it is much easier to declare oneself in a certain role and get the approval of online friends.

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Instructions for using social networks

First you need to understand for yourself: what exactly do I do on social networks, what do I do there, what do I spend my time and attention on? Make it a rule to analyze what useful things you have learned in social networks, how important this information is to you. How does this affect your attitude to life, emotional and physical condition? Is there at least some benefit in how much time you spend on it? By answering these questions, it will be easier for you to prioritize. To learn how to control your relationships with social networks, you need awareness, responsibility and discipline.

Dependence arises when a person has a need to answer someone in a momentary mode and to be always in touch. You need to understand once and for all: the world will not collapse if you do not check the phone every 30 seconds. No one will be offended. In the end, you can always establish a framework for communication and warn people that in case of emergency you can and should just call.

To learn how to control the time spent on the network, you can download the application to your phone, which will limit the ability to access the social networks at certain hours.

In "acute" cases, the following installations can help:

  • remove notifications that will inform about new likes or messages;
  • remove the icons of social networks from the first "page" of the smartphone;
  • make it a rule to go to social networks only from a computer, where you can also install programs that limit the time spent in social networks;
  • analyze what happened in real life while you were on social networks;
  • Do not use gadgets 2-3 hours before bedtime.

"Breaking" without the Internet

In order to survive the “breakdown” from the lack of social networks in a more comfortable mode, I would recommend finding yourself a useful business that distracts from the need to constantly hold a phone and browse social networks. Practices of developing awareness and discipline will also be appropriate.

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Unfortunately, in children and adolescents, the lack of restrictions on the use of social networks can lead to a mental disorder, neurosis, and psychopathy. Therefore, it is better for parents not to allow addiction at all, or as soon as possible to think about how to distract the child and how to have fun with the whole family. Moreover, such measures will help to create more open and warm relations within the family.

We go offline

If you decide to take drastic measures, for example, for some time delete your account in social networks, an amazing thing will happen. You will understand that life has not ended and has not even stopped. And it is filled with interesting events. After all, social networks do not provide any invaluable information, but are just trying to make us live under the dictation of a "modern" society.

Getting into the bondage of imposed ideas, we lose our “I”, become nervous and less thoughtful. In fairness, it must be said that it is not social networks that "kill" our lives. We do it ourselves, not finding the strength to take our eyes off the screen.

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