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The most dangerous category of girls on dating sites: who are afraid of men


Source: Columnist

Men on dating sites absolutely in vain fear the mercantile girls, writes blogger Marcelo Moreno for Browser. In order not to lose half of the monthly bonus, it is enough not to drive the ladies to institutions that you can not afford. Do not invite them there under any circumstances.

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Moreover, if a man, as they say, is a rogue, then it is enough just not to splurge. Any predator, having seen his photo in Chinese slaps on the background of a rusty garage door, she herself quickly retreats without even releasing claws.

Divorced ladies with trailers who allegedly attack men on dating sites from all sides, wanting to get at least some pants to their house, is also a problem that is clearly contrived. Most divorced women with children sit on the site stupidly no time. And they write first rarely. So, such proposals can simply be ignored. Be hard.

Courtesans are also very calculating girls. Their time is worth the money, so they have no time to drive the customer by the nose. Immediately begins a serious conversation - where, why, how. Everything is simple and clear. You want - you buy, you do not want - you block.

Meanwhile, men write hard for some reason: mercantile - by, divorced with trailers - by, corrupt women - by, I know where to find you.

However, there remains one category of women whom men really need to fear, like fire. These are women who are willing to come to an unfamiliar man home at night, a few hours or even minutes after they met. Moreover, it is completely disinterested, not for money. Despite his height, weight, appearance and marital status.

What to expect from such a dubious night guest? Klofelin in a glass? Burst in the door in the middle of the act of love accomplices? Charges of rape minors? Petty burglary? Tripper?

Meanwhile, men write and write to strangers “come right now”. And they are not afraid. Desperate.

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