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Novel on the web: how to lure a man offline


Source: Rambler

You met a beautiful man on a dating site. Correspondence ensued, which still does not go on a date. Already that month you have been communicating with the virtual boyfriend day after day, you got used to it. And while the girlfriends chuckle behind their backs, the thought becomes obscure: “But what if she’s a fake or a married woman, or maybe I’m not the only one with him?”

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Such stories are found all the time. Some women are waiting for the initiative from men for months or even years! Others themselves postpone the moment of meeting with absentee: they say that correspondence is convenient, but it's scary to go on a date, writes Rambler. But most simply do not know how to lure this "fish" out of the depths of the Internet, which seems to be on the line, but not yet in the hands. So why don't men call women from the virtual to the real world?

Often, they are ready to change their lives only hypothetically, but in fact they hesitate and doubt their readiness to accept the “burden of love.” It is not profitable for a woman, because a long correspondence can become a substitute for relations, which is wrong. Waiting for new messages, the built image of a man (often embellished) - and you are already becoming dependent on the Web, concepts are being replaced. You will not marry a cyber partner, and really, sorry, you cannot bear children with him. Therefore, the editors of, together with the relationship expert, Julia Lanske, advises to take the man offline as soon as possible, so as not to get lost in the wilds of the world wide web, taking them as the Garden of Eden.

How to make a man stop doubting and invited to a meeting "without monitors"

Of course, you should not take the bull by the horns and invite the first one - let him, as a man, still take the first step. However, there are several secrets that will help you to stimulate him, gently pushing to the desired action without manipulation:

- Know your highlight - the dignity, strengths of the individual - and subtly weave them into communication. This will help increase your value in his eyes.

- Do not stretch the conversation for more than two months, just chatting, even if he is from America (the exception is when a trip is already being discussed during the first two months, dates are planned and tickets are bought). If a man lives in the same city as you, the correspondence should not take more than three weeks. Maximum 1-1,5 of the month - watch the time!

- Constantly increase the dynamics of communication. Call up more often, communicate better, more interesting. This will smoothly lead to the fact that it will be trite for a man to miss online communication!

- Your communication should be very exciting. Make a first impression on a man only once. Each your phrase, each SMS, like the first impression, should be even more interesting to your person. Think over each answer well - the benefit of the correspondence allows it!

“Easy meeting hints.” You can do this veiled, ask about future plans, how and where he likes to spend his leisure time, etc.

- Feel free to give a phone number. As a rule, the date is preceded by a call. But women often prefer to postpone the declassification of their numbers, while still talking in correspondence for some time. I do not advise you to delay with this.

- Give your phone number extraordinary to stand out in his contact list. Most often, men ask for an average phone number of ten women. And to get lost among all Masha, Dash, Natasha is easier than ever. Give him a number so that he certainly will not confuse you with anyone else!


The unspoken rules of correspondence

It may seem that she goes, what is called, how the stars will stand. Many of the same opinion and communication with a man: they say, I will look at the situation. However, my experience with women allowed 5 to highlight the golden rules of successful correspondence with men, which would lead to a date much more quickly.


Best of all, when you adapt to the length of the interlocutor's messages, such a conversation will be easier for both of you. However, you can move away from the usual rhythm: dilute a little more detailed statements and watch how a man responds to this.

Technique two or three letters

If the man is gone, take a short pause, then send him 2-3 messages, but not in a row, but at intervals on the 2-3 of the day. Letters should be with increasing "goodness": shorter, more interesting, more involving. You can even write something slightly extravagant, breaking patterns to surprise.

Look for "hooks" in his speech

These are moments and facts for which you can catch on and continue to develop the conversation. Choose the 2-3 hook, ask questions and gradually pull the man offline.

Less boltology about anything

Otherwise, the man will be bored. When he is interested in conversation, he will be eager to continue it in a personal meeting, burning with impatience to hear once, rather than read a hundred times.

Communicate as if you are already building relationships

Do not feel sorry for compliments, thanks, encouraging phrases, easy understatement, interesting questions, so that a man does not fall out of the conversation.

All these skills will help you to deftly quickly pull your "sturgeon" on a date. And if you want to contemplate it not just on the display, but next to you in life, develop them and make sure to increase the dynamics of communication. And then I guarantee that an exciting invitation to a real meeting will not keep you waiting!

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