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Secrets of growing long hair


ForumDaily Woman

Photo: depositphotos

Long, beautiful and well-groomed hair can be considered female pride. Few people realize how difficult it is to grow a beautiful and strong braid. Scientists insist that every woman has a limit to which she can grow hair. This border is determined by genetic data, ecology and lifestyle of a woman. But other scientists have identified a number of factors that will allow hair to grow longer than predetermined by nature.

On average, hair lives around 4-6 for years, and 93% of hair bulbs are constantly in the growth stage.

When starting to grow hair, remember that long hair requires more time and effort than a short hairstyle.

A haircut

If you think that in order to grow your hair, you just need to stop going to the hairdresser, then you are deeply mistaken. Long hair should be trimmed every 2-3 months to keep it looking neat and growing better. If you are worried that in this way you will not grow your hair, then remember - on average, hair grows back by 8 millimeters per month, a hairdresser, trimming the ends, removes about 5 millimeters, depending on the damage to the ends.

Review care products

Hairdressers are advised to abandon the funds, which include substances that end in -ane, -cone, -thiconol. For example, Silicone, which is included in many products for washing hair, slows down hair growth. Try to wash your hair less often, because the sulphates that are in shampoos interfere with the nutrition of the hair follicle. Also on the growth of hair affects hot air dryer, styling ironing, hair curlers. Try to choose a hair dye that will be as close as possible to your natural hair color.


Vitamins of group B, as well as copper, magnesium, calcium, contribute to hair growth, so adjust your diet so that it is rich in zinc and other substances. Try to consume foods rich in protein - scientists insist that protein is the main building material for hair.

Hairpins and elastic bands
Make sure the hairstyles are not too tight. Try to comb your hair at night and braid it in a loose braid. Choose a good comb that will not traumatize the skin and easily unravel the hair. Start combing your hair from the ends to the roots.

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