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Beautiful and fluffy. Fitness blogger refused to remove body hair


Source: instagram

Morgan Mikenas, photo -

Morgan Mikenas, a well-known fitness blogger in the USA, refused to remove hair from her body about a year ago. On her Instagram page, she showed the result of her experiment. These photos left no one indifferent.

“We are not here to debate the rightness or the wrongness of what you, or anyone chooses. We are not taking sides, for or against anything. We are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be. It all depends upon the thoughts that you practice. And therein lies the basis of anyone's success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that give me pain? " ~ Abraham ✨ ?? The energy that you put out into the world, is the energy you get back. Choose kindness and love ?? # mindfulness #meditation #feelgood #positivity #shredded #physique #fitness #lawofattraction #beherenow #belovenow #namaste #dowhatyoulove #gratitude #spreadlove #raiseyourvibration #bethechange #changetheworld #befreealing #bodyhairdontcare #healthifalthalth

Post by Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

Morgan said that she began to remove hair on her legs and arms back in 11-12-year-old because her classmates teased her. She insists that she did not plan to turn her shaving refusal into some kind of action, she was simply too lazy to spend time and money on hair removal, besides, after each epilation, severe irritation began, the hair quickly grew, became stiff and prickly, the whole body itching. According to Morgan, it caused her serious discomfort.

Changed it up today and did some light lifting / swimming, but I definitely won't ever lift like I used to because it builds up too much tension in my body ... but once in a while won't hurt :) Ive learned you don 't need to be a bodybuilder to build mass. I just had to take a progress shot because I was noticing my leg gains from just consistency doing jiu jitsu / muay thai / calisthenics / yoga :) All those karate kicks I've been doing have built my legs bigger / thicker then when I was lifting weights .. I've noticed it takes longer to put on mass with just body weight movements, but you definitely do not need a gym or weights to build some serious muscle :) ?? #fitness #spreadlove #progress #calisthenics #yogaeverydamnday #veganbodybuilding #strength #consistency #dedication #healthyliving #inspireothers #physique #workhard #lifestyle #fitfam #getfit #gains #eatright #shredded #plantbased #builtmusbest #plant

Post by Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

“I think the number one reason I stopped doing it was that it took a very long time. It took a lot of my time to get in the shower, shave everything, then wash off my hair, then wash again. One day I wondered why I am still doing this. A lot of time is wasted. ”

Mikenas does not encourage other girls to follow her example. She insists that her example is just an example of the fact that everyone should act as he is comfortable, not paying attention to the conventions.


You don't realize how far you've come until you look back at where it all started. The picture on the left was 2 years ago before I started getting into bodybuilding .. I was unhappy with many aspects of my life, mentally and physically .. I decided it was time for change… and never looked back. The picture on the right is me currently .. the same bikini, but happier / healthier / hairier me :) I am a completely new person inside and out, and I could not be more proud of myself.☺? Gaining muscle takes time, discipline, dedication, patience, and most of all consistency. Your are not going to see instant results and it's not going to happen overnight .. It is a long process .. BUT if you keep with it you can achieve anything you set your mind to! ?? # fitness #fitnessjourney #namaste #spreadlove #change #abs #dedication #challenge #healthylifestyle #healthy #happy #consistency #bodypositive #goals #positivity #inspiration #bethechange #calisthenics #hairywomen #fitnessmotivation #getfit #loveyourself #transformation #bodybuilding #inspireothers #dreambig #fontuzzycare

Post by Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie)

Morgan Mikenas said that when she worked in kindergarten and took her group to the pool, she was faced with the most immediate reaction of the child. He told her: “You look like a man!”. In her blog, the girl asks the question: “What does it say if children are taught this? I've even met third grade kids who shave their legs. ”

The decision Morgan Mikenas was not liked by all. Some claimed that her hairy body was disgusting. Others demanded at the legislative level to prohibit the appearance of women in this form in open clothes. But mostly the fans of Morgan supported her, insisting that she had the right to such a manifestation of freedom, like other women.

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