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Why do you smell bad: 5 unexpected reasons


Source: Rambler

Not every smell can be removed only with the help of a shower and deodorizing products. There are very unusual reasons that cause your body to emit unpleasant "odors".

Photo: Shutterstock

You often use deodorant

A popular tool designed to rid a person of sweat and smell, in fact, can only exacerbate the problem, writes Rambler. The fact is that the ingredients that are used in many deodorants, contribute to the growth of the number of bacteria, and this can lead to a change in the natural odor of the body, making it sharper and more unpleasant. Rinse your armpits more often with water or use lemon juice mixed with water in equal proportions for cleansing: this will kill the "odorous" bacteria.

You love spicy

Some products and spices, such as garlic, curry and others, produce very odorous substances (such as sulfur) in the process of metabolism. They can be released through the pores on the skin for a few more hours after you have eaten.

On the subject: Life hacking: what to do if you forgot to use deodorant

You are under stress

Heat-induced sweat and stress-related sweat are very different from each other in chemical composition. And if the first one, which contains water, salt and calcium, often has a not too obtrusive aroma, then sweat due to stress and anxiety, which consists of fats and proteins secreted from other sweat glands, is very fragrant. Rather, in itself, it practically has no odor, but it is strongly “flavored” by the bacteria on the skin with which it mixes.

You may soon get sick

It has long been known that in some diseases there is an unpleasant smell, for example, if a person smells of raw fish, this may indicate problems with the liver, the smell of ammonia from the mouth is a signal of a possible kidney disease. There are other "flavors" that indicate health problems. You are able to feel them yourself, and others hear them even more and perceive them as unhealthy.

Do you take medicine

When you take certain drugs, excessive sweating may occur, due to which the body acquires an unpleasant odor. So, you may smell bad if you regularly take antidepressants, heartburn or migraine drugs, diabetes medications, antihistamines or hormones.

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