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Imaginary friend. When to run to the doctor?


ForumDaily Woman

Photo: depositphotos

Modern psychologists say that an imaginary friend in a child from 3 to 7 years old is a very normal phenomenon. It often helps to cope with a stressful factor in kindergarten or school, to survive a shock, or is simply a kind of role-playing game.

The main thing is to pay attention to who this friend is, what role he plays in the child's reality, and what such games lead to. In no case should you prohibit communication with an imaginary friend, this can lead to the suppression of the problem, which can result in more serious problems.

Why do imaginary friends come?

Fantasy. Most often, imaginary friends appear as a variant of the development of fantasy. Children live in a world that is seriously different from the world of adults, where fantasy and magic take a very important place. The development of imagination is very useful for a child, as a rule, children with a developed imagination grow up creative, extraordinary and easier to cope with complex tasks in the future. If a fictional friend scares you, try to channel your kid's fantasies in a different direction - write fairy tales, draw, sing.

Loneliness. If a child grows up in a family by itself and for some reason cannot spend a lot of time, it is quite possible that he will invent an imaginary friend with boredom, with whom it will be much more fun to play.

Copying. Your child may make up an imaginary friend to copy you or the teachers. Listen carefully to what he says - and you will probably recognize all the phrases.

Fear. Often a fictional comrade appears when the child is very scary, and he cannot share his fears with his parents or relatives. If there are traumatic events in the family that frighten the child, then the appearance of an imaginary friend can become a kind of therapeutic moment so that adults can communicate.

Fear of punishment. Sometimes a child is afraid of punishment for scattered toys or broken dishes and then places the blame on his fictional friend. In this case, it is better to turn the situation into a joke and agree that everything will have to be removed by the owner of the toys anyway.

When to run to the doctor?

  • If a fictional friend “sat up” until 7 years old and is not going to leave.
  • If there are no other games for the child and he does not think of his activity without a fictional comrade.
  • If the games become aggressive and harm the child himself, as well as others. If the child intentionally breaks toys.
  • If the child too really quarrels and grieves after a quarrel with a fictional friend.
  • If for a child a fictional friend becomes too real and important.
  • If because of such a friend he does not sleep well and eats badly.

A psychologist should be contacted if the child has one or more signs from the list.

Remember that the absence of a fictional comrade at the designated age is the same rate as his presence. And if your child doesn’t talk with a friend of his own, there’s nothing wrong with that.

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