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The network has an exciting new season trailer for "Game of Thrones". VIDEO


ForumDaily Woman

Channel HBO released the official trailer for the new, seventh season of the series "Game of thrones" (Game of Thrones Season 7)

Fans have already disassembled video, lasting one and a half minutes, by frame. Apparently, in order to find out what will happen in the new season.

Just as in previous seasons, there will be a fierce struggle for the Iron Throne. Dienerys Targaryen, John Snow and Cersei Lanister will take part in the new series in the fight.

It is known that in the new season there will be only 7 series, which means the speed of what is happening in the twisted storylines will be two times faster than in previous seasons.

From the cadres you can determine that John Snow will continue to fight with white walkers, and Davos Seaworth will be in place of John Snow at the table, which makes it possible to assume that Davos will become the hand of the King of the North.

Also from the cadres it can be seen that the Datraks, together with the army of Dienerys, will fight against the troops of the Lanister.
The premiere of the new series starts in mid-July. According to preliminary information, the seventh season is not the last, it will be another eighth season, in which they plan the entire 6 series and the summer release of the 2018 year.

The fantasy TV series Game of Thrones has been airing on HBO since 2011. The show has 10 Emmy nominations. Its literary basis was a series of books by George Martin "A Song of Ice and Fire".

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