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Why there are so many obese people in America: the opinion of an immigrant


Source: "50 shades of New York" on Yandex.Zen

The USA is a country of obese people, and this is not a myth at all. Channel author "50 shades of New York" on Yandex.Zen claims that she has not seen so many fat men anywhere in the world, and at first it is very striking. Two hundred kilogram American women drinking fast food cola - everything is like in a bad sketch ...

Photo: Shutterstock

But the trick is that America is dualism in action. And there are few places where you can find as many lean runners winding circles around Central Park, few places where people are so vegan, yoga, macrobiotic nutrition, as in New York.

Soy milk is perhaps the most popular option in local coffee shops. It seems that every American was obliged in childhood to join the party of gluttons or healthy lifestyles, and now these people seem to exist in parallel universes.

Of course, social conditions greatly influence this choice. The richer a person is, the more he cares about his shape, being able to buy products labeled organic - free of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and trans fats.

And yet, for many children, a burger and soda lunch is quite an everyday story, and this is the choice of busy and time-worn parents. Many families simply don't have homemade food here.

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But the main difference from Russia in this matter is the absence of clear templates. Society does not direct you with a press of condemnation, you decide how you look, you choose between waking up early for a run or eternal shortness of breath, you yourself know what it is more pleasant for you to save money on.

People here are not ashamed of their bodies and do not point a finger at anyone, there is such an amplitude of differences that just fingers are not enough.

For myself, I cannot unequivocally decide whether such loyalty is more beneficial or harmful. Judging by the way people dress, complexes about appearance are completely rudimentary here, and I like it.

I myself have never shared the mainstream hysteria about ballet complexion. I am for an informed choice and for respect for other people's decisions. But still, some kind of educational work is needed, because the human body is not adapted for large weight, it affects the state of health.

And after all, not all people are leaders by nature, public opinion helps someone to refrain from erroneous actions.

On the one hand, monstrous fullness should not be considered the norm.

On the other hand, who should determine the boundaries of condemnation and does he have the right to do so?

On the subject: Scientists have called an unexpected cause of obesity in women: this is not overeating

Everyone finds answers to these questions for himself. Fortunately, today we have many opportunities to keep fit and eat right. To use them or not is a personal choice, regardless of the country of residence.

Original column published on the blog. "50 shades of New York" on Yandex.Zen

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