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Personal experience: American weekdays


Interesting observations about American everyday life from the popular blogger Anna Nesterenko.


✔ If you buy alcohol or cigarettes, ID is always and everywhere asked, even if you are already deep for 30.

✔ Do you remember everything about taxes that are not indicated in the price? If not, I remind you! When buying clothes in a store, do not forget to add 6% to the price in your head (in Michigan). Otherwise, there will be a surprise at the checkout.


✔ In many large supermarkets, there are people at the checkout, putting your purchases in bags, and at the entrance there are people who greet you. Most often they are disabled, and it is great that the states have found a way for them to live a decent life and earn money on their own, and not live on social assistance.

✔ No busy signs on toilet doors. But there are VERY large gaps. But this does not bother anyone.

✔ In the states, maternity leave is only 3 unpaid months. So when I get ready to give birth, I will greatly envy the girlfriends who have been on maternity leave for 3 years.

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