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What nuts are harmful to health


Source: Rambler

One of the most amazing products - nuts - has recently enjoyed increased popularity. Apparently, everyone finally realized that with the help of this simple snack you can pump through many of the body's abilities, strengthen the immune system and even lose weight.

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But for the general euphoria, no one thinks that some properties of nuts can be harmful, writes Rambler. At least for this reason, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail how the consumption of nuts affects our body, and clearly divide this effect into harmful and beneficial.

Peanuts: good for the brain

Interestingly, technically peanuts are a legume, but they have long been accustomed to calling it nuts. Like all legumes, peanuts contain in excess of folic acid, which helps the brain to keep in shape and to some extent protects against depressive phenomena. Folic acid is often not enough for vegetarians and pregnant women, so for them peanuts are a great solution.

Pecan: bad for diet

Only 10 such nuts contain 3 gram of protein and 20 gram of fat. And each contains 200 calories. In general, among all pecans, the lowest protein content is at the highest fat content. But if you are not on a diet, these nuts will be very useful. Just do not eat them in handfuls and watch your daily calorie intake.

Brazil nut: useful for male power

Brazil nuts contain a lot of mineral called selenium, which protects men from the risk of developing prostate cancer. To carry out simple prevention, it is enough to eat only one Brazil nut per day. Remember that overdoing with the dose is not worth it - an excess of selenium in the body can cause the risk of diabetes.

Almond: useful for immunity

Almond has more calcium than any other nut, and it has a very good effect on overall health and ability to resist disease. Fiber and vitamin E are the substances with which almonds are also rich. Antioxidants help fight internal inflammatory processes and reduce the risk of some types of cancer.

Salted nuts: harmful to water balance

It must be said that any nuts with the addition of foreign substances such as sugar, salt, chocolate or their transformation into dessert oil are no longer nuts, but by no means a useful delicacy harming both the figure and the health of the teeth. And if you add salt to the sodium-rich peanuts, Brazil nuts, it will be just a disaster, because with one handful a significant dose of the daily salt intake will get into your body, which will cause swelling, fluid retention and strong thirst.

Walnut: good for the heart

Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels, are found in almost all nuts. But other things being equal, walnuts also contain alpha-linoleic acid. It helps, for example, with arrhythmias. Also, walnuts help to clean the vessels and reduce the intensity of oxidative processes.

Pistachios and Cashews: Best for Losing Weight

Anyone who is in the process of losing weight, most likely, count calories eaten. They may have to avoid nuts, because their excess calories are well known. But you also need to know that this does not apply to pistachios and cashews. When the calorie below average, they contain large amounts of protein and other nutrients that help to quickly defeat hunger and cheer up.

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