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More than 20% of US residents have a dangerous excess weight. MAP


Source: The Daily Mail

The new data from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention says: more than 20% of adults have unhealthy obesity in each of the states of America, reports The Daily Mail.


The Center has developed a map that shows weight gain trends across the country. The information was obtained as a result of numerous telephone surveys conducted from 2014 to 2016 year. People were asked to name their height and weight, after which the body mass index was calculated and entered into the base.


Experts also took into account the race of Americans, since genetics is of great importance in this matter. 28% of white adults, 32% of Hispanics and more 38% of African Americans living in the country suffer from a dangerous form of obesity.


Why is it important to know?
The state spends more than 190 billion dollars annually on the treatment of obesity-related diseases, and the situation will worsen as the number of sedentary jobs and the age of the US population increases. Obese people are at a higher risk of high blood pressure - this is the main cause of strokes. They also have an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases (the leading cause of death among Americans).

Much depends on the personal efforts of everyone - from the choice of food and the level of physical activity to the desire of a person to lose weight, become healthier and stronger, completely change your lifestyle.

Alarming statistics (new data):

  • in five states - Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and West Virginia - more than 35% of residents are painfully overweight;
  • the highest figure is West Virginiawhere 37,7% of adults are obese;
  • effective reduction in obesity rates provided by states New York, Montana, Minnesota and Ohio - health authorities suggest using them for example;
  • the lowest rate demonstrated Colorado, but there is also a tendency for an increase in the average body weight of the inhabitants - by 22,3% per year
  • 20 other statesand Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico show 30-35%.

The data show that the efforts of public organizations to promote fitness activity and healthy nutrition do not bring proper results. Every citizen of the United States and it is important to take care of yourself every day.

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