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The famous surfer put forward a controversial version of the causes of shark attacks


Source: SFGate

Surf star Laird Hamilton believes that shark attacks on people can be caused by women’s being in the water during their menstrual cycle, reports SFGate.

Shark and woman in the water. Photo:

TMZ spoke to a surfer in Malibu about the dangers of increasing numbers of huge white sharks in Southern California. Hamilton stated that "most shark attacks are not fatal."

“Soda is said to kill more people every year than shark bites,” Laird said, adding that their attacks are usually the result of “misidentification”.

“The most common reason to fall prey to a shark is a woman with her critical days that people don't even think about,” said the surfer. "It is obvious that if a woman has this period, there is a certain amount of blood in the water."

However, Dr. Chris Lowe disagrees with Hamilton. Laboratory Director Cal Long Beach Shark Lab I am sure that the menstruation of a woman does not give a reason to attract sharks.

"It's a delusion. In fact, the amount of bleeding during menstruation is less than a normal scratch or wound that a child or surfer can get in the water, ”Lowe told the publication Huffington Post.

According to him, women lose an average of 35 to 50 ml of blood during the menstrual cycle, and this has nothing to do with shark attacks.


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