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Values ​​of dreams that should never be ignored


Source: Cluber

We spend in a dream from 6 to 9 hours per day. But this does not mean that all this time our brain, like the body, is resting.

Photo: Shutterstock

During sleep, our brain and our subconscious mind are quite active. They send us on a journey through the world of dreams. The signs that we receive in dreams is a special language. A symbol may awaken certain feelings or push some thought. And they will have a much deeper meaning than words, writes Cluber.

Learning to interpret your dreams, you gain a huge advantage. An analysis of your dreams will allow you to learn a lot about your own hidden secrets and feelings.

The psychotherapist Jeffrey Samber says: "Often the value of our dreams is due to the fact that we have to learn about ourselves and the world around."

We offer a list and meaning of some characters that may be present in your dreams. Your subconscious wants you to know about these things.

1. Box

Stealth, secrets, frustration.

If you dream of a box, it may mean that you are hiding something.

Maybe you are afraid of hiding something from you. Perhaps you yourself have a secret.

If you see an open box in your dream, it may mean that you have to tell about your secret.

In a dream, you look in the box and see that there is nothing in it? This may mean that you are in someone or something disappointed.

2. Cat

Femininity, spirituality, strength.

A cat is a symbol that says a lot. This may mean that you should remember your femininity. In the case of men, a cat in a dream may mean that they should strengthen their relationship with a beloved woman.

In general, the cat is a symbol associated with femininity. You may need to become more confident in yourself. It is likely that you should remember your spiritual development.

3. A fall

Anxiety, danger, lack of control over life.

Many have dreams in which they fall somewhere. This may mean that they lose control of their lives.

Maybe you are afraid that you will fail. Perhaps you have a premonition of the consequences of wrong decisions taken in the past.

Do you often have dreams in which you fall? Try to cope with unconscious anxiety through yoga and meditation.

4. Teeth

Aging, appearance, health.

Many people have dreams in which their teeth fall out or crumble.

Teeth - a sign associated with the aging process and even death.

The best way to get rid of the fear of death - to try to live every day of life to the maximum and maintain a positive attitude.

A dream of teeth can mean that you are more concerned about your appearance than about your health.

5. Ants

Support, hard work, irritability.

A dream of ants can mean that something annoys you in your life.

Such a dream may indicate that you should solve an existing problem before it becomes practically unsolvable.

Ants live in colonies and work together as a team.

Maybe you should take an example from them. For example, ask for the help of loved ones.

A dream in which you see ants can also mean that relationships with family, relatives and friends are very important to you.

6. Hair

Sexuality, status, freedom.

This symbol can talk about your personal relationship with a partner. That you should work on improving your communication.

If you dream about hair, it can also mean that you should work on your sexuality.

Also, hair is a symbol of your desire to establish a strong relationship with others.

Do you dream of long hair? This may mean that you crave freedom.

7. Water

Ambition, risk, flexibility (fluidity).

Water means you lack risk in life.

Most likely, you have big ambitions. The dream in which water appears appears to indicate that you should begin to realize your dreams.

Taking risks can be scary. However, if you want to achieve success, it is necessary to do it.

Water can also mean something else: you want a simple, peaceful life.

8. Flight

Directness, thirst for freedom, optimism.

Flying means that in life you are able to perform brave, risky acts.

He may also say that you feel pressured by your soulmate or co-workers. You need to get rid of this pressure.

You do not just want to fly away from problems. You want to soar above them.

Try to keep a positive attitude. Be brave. You will succeed.

9. Roads

Destiny, travel, simplicity.

Do you dream about the road? This may mean that you should simplify your own life. Focus on things that really matter to you in life.

If you believe in destiny, then the road can mean the path to something beautiful. Do not doubt. Take advantage of the opportunities you have and go on an exciting journey.

The road can lead you to change. Change for the better.

10. Mud

Stagnation, growth, excitement.

A dream in which you see dirt may indicate that you feel as if you are stuck in a swamp. You feel that life is at an impasse and you are no longer moving.

Maybe it's time to get out of this impasse.

Dirt is also a symbol of rebirth and growth. It may mean that you are able to change everything that does not bring you happiness.

11. Green color

Love, healing, passion.

Do you see dreams in green?

This means that you are satisfied with your life. You are happy with what you have.

You are comfortable with people who surround you, and they are comfortable with you.

12. A dream in which you are naked and in a public place

Condemnation, vulnerability, acceptance.

Each of us had similar dreams. And this suggests that the fear of condemnation is gnawing at you.

It's time to stop hiding. It's time to show others how vulnerable you are.

Coming out of darkness into the light, you will free yourself from this and similar fears. You will learn to accept and love yourself.

With such dreams, your subconscious mind is trying to tell you that you should be proud of yourself.

Remind yourself of this. Stand in front of the mirror and say: "I love you."

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