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California resident wears a 23 corset for hours per day for the waist in 45 cm


Source: The Sun

Former U.S. Navy officer Diana Ringo, 39, has an extraordinary perspective on how to keep fit after the birth of twins. The fact is that a woman almost continuously wears a corset that turns her waist into a "glass" of only 45 centimeters.

Photo: frame YouTube / Barcroft TV

As tells The Sun, the woman put on a few pounds after giving birth. Before that, Diana was always proud of her harmony and was very upset about the changes. By her own admission, she was prompted to take such an original step by "a strange distribution of fat throughout the body - as if the male type of figure."

Photo: frame YouTube / Barcroft TV

Diana is happily married to a US Navy officer, working as a chef. The corset she wears is already 4 of the year, 23 hours a day every day. As her husband says, in a corset wife even has sex.

At first, the husband was very worried about her health, but now he supports his wife, because "it makes her happy." True, he himself admits that he liked the figure of his wife more earlier.

Photo: frame YouTube / Barcroft TV

A woman weighs 53 kg and wears 40 clothing size, is very proud of how it looks, and does not intend to stop. As Diana says, she even chooses fitted clothes, buying clothes to emphasize her graceful forms.

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