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Lush women are healthier and smarter.


ForumDaily Woman

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Scientists from Pittsburgh, Pa., Cambridge, and Oxford universities conducted research and proved that women with large buttocks are less susceptible to chronic diseases and more intelligent, and also give birth to more intelligent children.
It turns out that fat deposits in the back of the female body play a vital role - they contribute to the development of the brain of newborns during the breastfeeding period.
“A large amount of fat is required for the formation of the nervous system, and fats from this area are rich in docosahexaenoic acid, which is an important component of the human brain. Nature itself cares about the continuation of the human race, forcing women to accumulate fat and store it until the birth of a child, ”says Will Lacek, professor of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh and author of this study.
During the period of feeding a child, a woman loses up to 0, 5 kg of her weight per month, burning fat and sending nutrients to her child.
A biologist from the University of Cambridge, who also studies female forms, says that this study explains why many men like women with the complexion of Jennifer Lopez. These are the women who tend to produce intelligent children.
In addition, puffy forms prevent diabetes and heart disease. Of the 16 thousands of women who participated in the study, girls with more bulk booty have lower cholesterol levels, and their hormones, which are responsible for processing sugar, work much better.

Professor Konstantinos Manolopoulos, who heads a team of scientists at Oxford University, said that women with higher-than-normal buttocks have lower cholesterol and glucose levels. And also in their bodies in large quantities there is a hormone leptin, which regulates weight and hormone dinopectin, which prevents diseases of the stomach and blood vessels.
And the last fact that scientists were able to figure out - women who have wide hips, live longer.
So, all those who shake the ass and try to become like Jennifer Lopez or Kim Kardashian, care not only about their beauty, but also about their health and even the health of future children.

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