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A woman told how cheating saved her 10-year marriage


Source: The Daily Mail

“I am cheating on my husband - and our marriage has never been so happy,” says 32-year-old Leila (all names are random) from Canberra.

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The woman is already married 10 for years and regularly looks for an affair on the side to keep the relationship in good shape, tells The Daily Mail... At the same time, Leila is “delighted” with her husband.

Why change? The heroine of this story explains the reason as follows: she and her husband work a lot, try to spend as much free time as possible together, but Leila's husband “is no longer interested in this side of marriage”. She tried to return the intimate part of the marriage to their relationship, but the more effort she spent on it, the worse the result was. Everything else, as the woman says, in their marriage is flawless.

“In a happy marriage, I was very, very lonely,” complains Leila, who signed up on a dating site and was looking for extramarital affairs. - I came across nice people, I went on coffee dates, and everything was fine. But I just wanted one person with whom I would bond. ”

Her wish came true when Leila met a married man named Jamie just a month after the start of the search. At first, according to her, this was a serious test for her marriage. The man said that he was in a similar situation in his own family and was looking for the same as Leila. In many ways, this simplified the task: both were calm about whether the meeting had to be canceled at the last minute.

Despite the busy schedules of both, Layla and Jamie met every week and chatted a lot throughout the day. According to the woman, she can now enjoy the contact with her husband and their happy marriage without discomfort, since the “intimate” side of her life is now also successful.

“I have become much happier,” the woman admits.

According to anonymous surveys, about 60% of married men and about 45% of married women have been in love relationships with other people at least once, being married. 70% of all marriages at least once faced with adultery.

Leyla's story is an introductory, not a recommendation. There is no similar relationship, and a choice that can save one pair will permanently separate the other. Therefore, how to treat treason, each family decides for itself.

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