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A healthy diet during a pandemic and beyond: how to get vitamin D from food



In the coronavirus pandemic, they began to talk more about vitamin D and its importance for the body: it is responsible not only for calcium metabolism (which is very important in itself), but also for the body's resistance to respiratory viral infections. The daily intake of vitamin D for adults 18-50 years old is 600-800 IU, for people over 50 years old - 800-1000 IU. And in the absence of the sun in winter, you can get this dose from food. Tells about suitable foods for a nutritious diet

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The easiest way to get vitamin D is with fish on the menu. In 100 g of salmon, for example, there are 13-21 μg (520-840 IU) of vitamin, depending on the variety. Farmed salmon contains less vitamin D than wild salmon, but it is also sufficient: 100 g of such fish cover at least 20% of the daily requirement. Also, vitamin D is found in trout, tuna (including canned).

There are also more budget options for fish that can be included in the diet: carp, sardines, halibut, mackerel, herring - they are not inferior to salmon in terms of usefulness. 100 g of fresh Atlantic herring contains 5,4 μg (216 IU) of vitamin D.

You don't have to worry about a possible overdose of seafood: a healthy body itself regulates the amount of vitamin supplied with sunlight and food. If you have a deficiency (20-30 ng / ml) or deficiency (less than 20 ng / ml) of vitamin D in your blood, you may sometimes need to supplement it at the dose that your doctor recommends.

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Cod liver oil

A large amount of vitamin is contained in 100 g of fish oil and cod liver oil - up to 250 μg (10 IU). Of course, such foods will not be consumed in large quantities, however, a teaspoon of oil can be eaten to compensate for the recommended daily allowance. Cod liver oil also contains omega-000 acids, which are responsible for the health of the heart, blood vessels and brain, and vitamin A. In addition, it is a raw material, for example, for the production of fish oil, which is sold in pharmacies as a dietary supplement ...

By the way, 100 g of the cod liver itself contains a lot of vitamin D - 100 mcg.

Milk and yogurt

Vitamin D can also be found in dairy products. Cow's milk is a source of many nutrients, including calcium and phosphorus. By itself, it contains a small amount of vitamin D in 100 g - 1,3 μg (52 IU). But many manufacturers additionally enrich the product, then the vitamin D content can reach 80-100 IU per 100 g (check product labels). There is vitamin D in plant types of milk: in soy milk it is about 1,2 μg (48 IU), and in almond milk - 1 μg (40 IU) per 100 g.

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Also, vitamin D is found in natural yogurt - 0,9-1,3 μg (36-52 IU), in sour cream - about 1,1 μg (50 IU). But here it is important not to forget that sour cream is rich in saturated fats, and its excessive consumption should be limited due to its high fat content. In this case, yogurt can be a healthy alternative: it can be used as a dressing for main dishes and favorite salads.

Chicken eggs

A 100 g egg contains 2,2 mcg (88 IU) of vitamin D, while it is mainly found in the yolk. The more the chicken was in the sun, ate high-quality grain, the more useful such eggs will be.

Some types of mushrooms

A natural source of vitamin D is some species of forest (rather than artificial light) mushrooms. For example, in 100 g of chanterelles - 5,3 μg (212 IU) of vitamin, it is also stored in dried mushrooms. But in store mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, there is practically no vitamin, since mushrooms grow in greenhouses.

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