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What kind of photography bans should tourists know?


ForumDaily Woman

We all love to travel, and the camera has long been a must-have attribute of any trip. Filled memory cards, photo from the phone in Instagram and Facebook - that's what we carry with us from trips, except for impressions. But do you know what can be photographed and what can not be when visiting different countries? Some bans can be not only the cause of a substantial monetary fine, but also result in deportation.

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In some temples in Japan it is forbidden to shoot statues of Buddha, but tourists are usually warned about this in advance. And the Japanese are so friendly that they do not prohibit, but recommend. But all recommendations should be taken seriously. Do not take pictures of cemeteries and secluded altars in Japan.

Belgium and Amsterdam
In no case do not reach your camera in the red light district - for this you can get a fine. And for the photo of the statue of Manneken Pis in Brussels, too. The amount of the fine is quite high.

Photo: depositphotos

Each state has its own specific laws, so learn the rules depending on where you are going with the camera. For example, in Wyoming it is forbidden to photograph rabbits from January to April, and in Alaska it is strictly forbidden to rouse bears for a photo.
In addition, in the US it is forbidden to photograph motorways, tunnels and bridges. For this you can get a deportation.
The objects that are in federal ownership - public parks, squares, airports and railway stations - are also banned.
And in any case, do not take pictures of other children. Especially if you are a man, and children in the playground. They can be accused of pedophilia.

North Korea
What you can take pictures - the guide will tell you. At the same time and track down where you direct your lens. Without a guide, we recommend photographing only non-living objects, such as statues. People in North Korea cannot be photographed.

Eastern countries
In the East, do not try to take pictures of women. Angry men can give cuffs without waiting for the police. On the territory of the UAE can not take pictures of the palaces of rich sheikhs, and officially, by law.

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In Peru, you can not take pictures of Indians without their consent. Many Indians living in the villages and in the highlands, believe that with a camera you can steal the soul.

It is impossible to photograph in temples or the facade of the temple with open doors, if it is not allowed. If there are no pointers, you need to ask the ministers. Otherwise, they can break the camera, take away the money in the form of a fine or, again, hand them over to the police.
Be careful when using photographic and video equipment in churches: in many it is forbidden to take photographs inside, in some you should pay permission to shoot. It is strictly forbidden to shoot members of certain ethnic groups and castes.

Photo: depositphotos

In Argentina, it is forbidden to shoot both military and police facilities, and the police themselves. It does not matter, the police is a station, a checkpoint on the road, or just a street traffic controller.

In Canada, the attitude towards photography is more loyal than in the United States. The restriction is imposed on military and strategic objects. You can take as many photos of the police and the National Guard. Children up to 14 years can be photographed only with the consent of the parents. Strictly prohibited photography in stores without the consent of the owner. In museums, galleries, exhibitions, the situation depends on whether it is private or public property. In some places you can take pictures without restrictions, in others you need to buy permission to take photographs, which also serves as an entrance ticket.

Photo: depositphotos

As in many other countries - a ban on photographs of military personnel. In Greece, for such photos you can even go to jail. Taking photographs in museums is not prohibited, but you should give up selfies.

According to the laws of England, any traveler can take pictures of anything, but without using a tripod. The logic is simple. If the photographer uses a tripod, then he is a professional and earns a photo shoot. And if he earns, he must pay tax.

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