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The smell of perfume can give a woman’s age


ForumDaily Woman

Photo: depositphotos

Scientists from the United States and Japan conducted a joint study that showed that the fragrance of the selected perfume can tell about the age of its owner.
Experts are sure that the smell chosen by the lady will give out not only her age, but also tell a lot about the nature of the carrier.
For the study were invited representatives of both sexes. The female half of the group was offered to choose their favorite fragrance. Men were offered to inhale these fragrances and comment. The faces of the women were hidden.
Almost all men were able to determine the approximate age of women, depending on the selected flavor.
Tellingly, young girls prefer light fruit smells, and older women prefer thick floral aromas.

Photo: depositphotos

Scientists explain this by the fact that with age, the process of decomposition of fatty acids in the woman's body changes, which contributes to a change in her natural smell. Therefore, mature women enjoy bright, tart flavors, inflicting them in large quantities.
According to the conclusions made by Japanese scientists, the older a person is, the more chemicals nonenals that arise as a result of the breakdown of fatty acids in the skin begin to produce the body.
These substances have their own specific smell, which in combination with the smell of perfume can give the age of a woman. In women who have crossed the mark of 40-year-olds, the level of nonenals is 2 times higher than that of 20-year-olds.
And scientists from Rogers University in Oklahoma found that the smells themselves also matter. During the experiment, men aged from 20 to 60 years were offered different flavors: vanilla, lavender, rose, apple and even broccoli.

Photo: depositphotos

Almost all men said that the smell of a rose would suit a woman of the age, but the smell of an apple was associated with young girls.
Scientists from the Institute of Taste and Smell in Chicago also conducted research on the relationship between odors and age. They found that the smell of grapefruit makes a woman younger than years on 5-6, and the sexiest smell is the smell of strawberries, raspberries and cedar wood.

Photo: depositphotos

In addition, scientists recommend women to choose fragrances not only in accordance with their age, but also in relation to their body, as the perfume separately has one fragrance alone, but when applied to the body it is completely different.

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