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Why do housewives put a dishwashing sponge in the refrigerator


Source: SM-News

Not every working person can afford to buy fresh vegetables and fruits in the store every day. We immediately take kilograms of tomatoes or bananas, so that is enough for a whole week. But sometimes the product loses freshness on the third day, notices SM-News.

Photo: Shutterstock

We will tell you how to extend the shelf life of quickly perishable vegetables and fruits.

In our refrigerators there is always excess moisture, which is detrimental to most products. If your tomatoes or cucumbers become soft or begin to rot, then it's time for a secret weapon.

Buy a regular medium-sized dishwashing sponge and place it on any shelf. It absorbs all excess moisture in a short time, and your vegetables and fruits will remain fresh for a long time.

Remember to periodically remove the sponge to squeeze out the water and dry thoroughly. Always have another handy so that it collects moisture while the first dries.

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If you have children, then you will like another life hack with a sponge. Take a bag with a chopper and place a sponge filled with water in it. Leave it in the freezer and take it out when you need a cold compress.

The ice melts quickly, and the frozen sponge can be applied to the bruise and kept long enough. Then the bag can again be put in the refrigerator, because the sponge immediately absorbs all the water back.

You can use a frozen sponge as a cooler if you are traveling outdoors in warm weather and there is no cooler bag. Sponges will keep drinks at a low temperature for a long time if they are placed over a container.

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