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Snoring, toothache, cough, and 8 more signs that your heart may stop


Source: Life hacker

Check it out. Perhaps you urgently need to see a doctor.

Photo: Shutterstock

Every year, heart disease kills up to 18 millions of people of all ages. The lion’s share of these deaths could have been prevented if a problem was assumed in time and a doctor was contacted. Life hacker.

Unfortunately, this is not so easy. Heart failures are often disguised as a slight indisposition or features of the body. Here is a list of not always obvious symptoms that indicate possible heart disease.

Attention! Especially vigilant should be people older than 60 years, as well as those who are overweight, diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol.

1. Chest discomfort

Experts at a reputable medical resource at WebMD call this the most common sign of heart problems.

Clearly describe the feeling impossible. Someone feels a slight pain, someone - pressure or constraint, others complain of burning or tingling ... In any case, if you occasionally feel something unusual in your chest, you need to go to the therapist as soon as possible and get directions on the electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart.

So the diseases of the vessels supplying our main organ with blood or a developing heart attack make themselves felt.

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If the pain is severe and lasts longer than a few minutes, call an ambulance immediately.

There is also good news: in 80 – 90% of cases, chest pain is not associated with the heart. But in order to ascertain this, it is better to quickly visit the doctor.

2. Loss of appetite, nausea, pain or heaviness in the stomach

Of course, you may have an upset stomach for many reasons that are not related to your heart. However, sometimes problems with digestion are triggered by the fact that the digestive system receives less blood than usual. A deteriorated blood flow is a sign of poor heart function.

If you are nauseated for no apparent reason, and especially if you experience chest discomfort and other symptoms from this list, a visit to the therapist is a must!

3. Pain in the left arm

Nerves from the heart and nerves from the left hand send signals to the same area of ​​the brain. As a result, the brain does not always correctly understand what exactly hurts - the heart or limb.

If you have overstrained your left hand in training, hit it or just unsuccessfully waved, the discomfort is completely predictable. But if the pain of such a location, and even severe, occurs for no apparent reason, this is cause for alarm. Doctors call it the classic symptom of a heart attack.

The American Heart Association recommends calling an ambulance if the sudden pain in the left hand does not go away or increases within a few minutes.

If feeling more briefly, but familiar, be sure to visit the doctor.

4. Pain in the teeth or lower jaw

Another example is when the brain is unable to accurately identify what exactly hurts - the heart or teeth. Fortunately, in most cases, tooth or jaw pain is of a relatively safe origin: caries, or you pulled your jaw, or blew you ... But if there seems to be no reason, and your teeth ache regularly, you should check with a cardiologist.

In clinical practice, there were cases when people were removed tooth by tooth, trying to save them from pain, which was in fact a sign of heart irregularities.

5. Short dizziness or feeling like you are losing orientation in space.

There are many causes that can cause instant weakness. For example, you have not eaten. Or too abruptly got up from the couch after a long sitting.

But if these feelings occur regularly, try to get to the doctor as soon as possible. They say that the heart does not cope with pumping blood to the brain. This may be a symptom of an approaching stroke.

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6. Constant fatigue

Weak heart can not provide full blood circulation. Because of this, organs and tissues begin to experience nutrient and oxygen deficiencies. To survive, the body reduces the blood supply to less important organs - primarily the limbs, and directs the blood to the more important ones - the heart, brain, lungs. Well, limbs ...

It becomes difficult for you to perform usual actions - for example, you do not have the strength to take a shower, it is difficult to wash the dishes, it seems incredibly difficult to climb the stairs. And even the rest does not bring vigor, still "lazy to lift a finger."

If this situation is familiar to you and lasts for several days and longer, consult with a cardiologist not to miss the growing problems with the heart.

7. Leg edema

Because of the impaired blood circulation in the limbs, the lymph flow is also disturbed - the removal of fluid from the tissues. Particularly affected by this leg. Fluid accumulates under the skin, swelling.

If swelling of the legs has become your constant problem, consultation on this topic with a therapist or cardiologist is required.

8. Prolonged cough

In most cases, the cough is a common cold companion. But if you safely got rid of it a couple of weeks ago, and this symptom does not go away, this is an unequivocal indication to see a doctor.

A prolonged cough can be a companion of allergies or, suppose, bronchitis (which, frankly, is not fun). But sometimes it is provoked by heart failure, which complicates the outflow of moisture from the lungs.

A characteristic sign of "heart" cough is pinkish or white mucus. If you have noticed something similar - run to the cardiologist!

9. Unmotivated Dyspnea

Dyspnea is the first sign that there is little oxygen in the blood. The most common cause of exercise. Muscles need a lot of oxygen to work, and they literally suck it out of the blood. In order to compensate for this loss, the brain gives the lungs a command to breathe faster.

Also, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, being in a stuffy room can lead to shortness of breath ...

But if such a symptom appears for no apparent reason and more often than before, and especially if it is accompanied by constant fatigue, discomfort in the chest and other signs from our list, it’s time for you to see a cardiologist.

There is a serious likelihood that the lack of oxygen is caused by impaired blood circulation, in turn caused by disturbances in the work of the heart.

10. Loud snoring

Snatch while sleeping, in general, is normal. But if you snore too loudly, this may be a sign of apnea - a brief pause in breathing during sleep.

Apnea has a devastating effect on the cardiovascular system. First, it leads to hypoxia of the heart muscle. Secondly, apnea increases the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure), which further complicates the work of the main human organ. As a result, an overloaded cardiovascular system may fail at any time.

Therefore, apnea must be treated. How - ask for a start at the therapist.

11. Fast and / or irregular heartbeat

The feeling that the heart jumps out of the chest, every lover felt, or, for example, a sprinter. During anxiety or serious physical exertion, it is normal.

But if the heart is taken to “jump out” for no particular reason, or you feel that it is missing a beat, this is a sure sign of a problem. So urgently go to the doctor.

The material is published for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and does not replace medical advice. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for any diagnosis made by the reader based on the site's materials, as well as for the consequences of self-medication, and may not share the point of view of the author or expert.

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