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Explosive: do not warm the greens, eggs and 12 items in the microwave


Source: Delfi Home & Garden

You, for example, knew that beautiful circles (especially old ones) in a microwave can behave as you please - at worst explode, and at best - release lead or any other toxic substances.

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Delfi Home & Garden reminds: it is also impossible to heat plastic containers - they simply melt. So what else can not be heated in the microwave?

1. Raw eggs

In a raw egg under the influence of microwaves, steam is formed. Naturally, not finding a way out, the vapor pressure soon becomes too large and the egg bursts.

2. Antique dishes

Old dishes for the most part necessarily contain compounds of lead and other heavy metals. When heated, they are able to get on the food and cause serious poisoning of the body.

3. Fast Food Containers

Takeaway food is usually packaged in containers that contain expanded polystyrene because it retains heat well. At the same time, under the influence of microwaves, this material emits harmful chemicals that are very dangerous to humans.

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4. Paper bags

Those paper bags from supermarkets in which it is convenient to carry purchases, in a microwave can not only provoke a fire, but also emit a lot of toxic substances. Do not heat food in paper bags.

5. Dishwashing sponges

Heated wet sponge in the microwave can really rid it of all bacteria. However, the dry sponge under the influence of microwaves will simply light up.

6. Fresh greens

Drying fresh greens in the microwave is a bad idea. These herbs contain very little liquid, and if they are at least slightly over-exposed, a fire may occur.


7. Foil

Foil, as a material, is capable of blocking microwaves. Therefore, in a microwave oven, food wrapped in foil should not be heated if you do not want to see sparks and flames.

8. Utensils with metal elements

If there is any, even the smallest metal bezel on the dishes, it is absolutely not recommended to put such dishes in a microwave oven in order to avoid fire.

9. Watermelon

The same story as with the eggs. Inside the watermelon under the influence of microwaves, steam is also formed. And if you don’t want it to explode inside your microwave and splash everything, it’s better not to put it there.

Photo: depositphotos

10. Thermo Mugs

Steel, which is mostly used for the manufacture of such mugs - the right way to fire.


11. Clothes

For the same reason, it is not recommended to dry any clothes and in particular socks in the microwave. The fabric can simply ignite.

12. Broccoli

Putting broccoli in the microwave, you will not see any explosions or fire. However, if broccoli is heated in a microwave, this healthy vegetable loses 97% of all its essential elements and vitamins.

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