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The second wave of COVID-19 in the US may coincide with the flu epidemic: why it is dangerous


Source: Yellmed

If the next "coronavirus" peak falls on the rise in the incidence of influenza, health systems will be even more difficult, writes Yellmed.

Photo: Shutterstock

In the USA, they fear that the attack of the coronavirus next winter will become even more complex and deadly than the one that the country survived in February and the spring months. The problem is that it can start at the same time as the flu epidemic.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has revealed in many countries a lack of tests for the presence of a new coronavirus, personal protective equipment, including for medical workers, ventilation machines. Fortunately, the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic came at the end of the “flu season," but the next time their "peak periods" might coincide.

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People will be able to get a massive vaccine against coronavirus in a year and a half, and a little more than six months before seasonal flu epidemics.

In this regard, American experts insist on maintaining social distance in the summer and autumn, and in the future - until the moment when vaccination becomes publicly available.

Experts also recommend significantly expanding the scope of testing, responsibly approach contact tracking. And it is imperative to vaccinate the population against influenza in the fall.

It is important to prevent a mass of hospitalizations due to influenza infection.

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