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The whole truth about the work of a nanny in rich families: a frank recognition of Russian women


Source: The Village

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A nanny in wealthy families is another family member. Recently, representatives of the middle class often use the services of salary assistants.

The Village I got acquainted with the nanny, 20, who has worked in Russia for rich people for years, and asked her about the morals of the inhabitants of Rublyovka, salary, spoiled children and the peculiarities of the national method of education.

About the beginning of a career

A woman who did not disclose her name said that she was from the village of Stroitel near Moscow. She didn’t work immediately as a nanny. In her youth, she graduated from the Forestry Institute, and studied at the faculty of automation of woodworking processes. After graduation she worked for ten years as a designer at a local combine.

“In the late 80s, when production withered away, I found myself on the street with a higher technical education and a child in my arms. It was necessary to urgently decide where and with whom my son would be, while I was looking for a job, and then working. It was difficult to arrange a child in a nursery, and they took there only until three years old. In addition, for a month I was pregnant with my second child, so I decided to part with 135 rubles a month and go to a local departmental kindergarten as a nanny for 150. They took me, and after maternity leave I began to receive a second special pedagogical education, the head made me ”, - shared a woman.

According to her, she owes her career as a private nanny to a friend who took her with her for the company to the so-called casting of domestic staff, just for fun.

“In my kindergarten, I didn’t tell anyone then: our women's team would have eaten me alive. I remember, I just asked the kindergarten bosses to work every other day, lying that I went to my friends to clean up for a small fee. I lived in such a schedule for two years. And then I got used to it, began to understand people and realized that it is possible to live and live on a nanny's income much better than on a teacher's salary, ”the heroine noted.

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About casting babysitters

As the woman said, a special agency deals with the employment of nannies. The employer calls and says: "I need a nanny." There, according to his wishes, several candidates are selected and the date of the interview is set.

“Every interview starts with a story about yourself. Of great importance is not what crusts behind your shoulders, but how you talk about yourself. In fact, if you want to gain at least good reviews for yourself, every time, as a good guide, you should at least speak not boringly. After that, much, if not all, depends on the child, ”she said.

According to the Russians, now the fashion for eastern nannies, especially for Georgians.

On Money

“My first family 17 years ago paid me $ 100 a month. It was a huge amount of money at that time, and I worked only two days a week, ”the nanny said.

She added that the money is negotiated immediately at the interview, whether it will be hourly or monthly.

“Some people pay, not counting money, and only to wipe their nose to their friends and acquaintances. Like, look how we can support the servants. In one of these houses, my wife was very strange: sometimes I came to work, and they told me from the doorway: “Oh, sorry. We don't need you today, I forgot to say. Here's a hundred dollars for you. " You don't want to work for such people and for a lot of money - it happens that you literally cannot be occupied with anything, ”said the nanny.

There was also a case in the practice of a woman when in one family the husband did not know at all about the existence of a nanny, thinking that his wife herself was engaged in children.

About life and customs

“People from wealthy homes are very different. These can be the most intelligent and educated families, or they can be individuals with weirdness. On Rublevka, for example, they like to close tightly shutters during the day, such that they create the complete impression of a hangar without windows. Houses there, as a rule, are not lower than three floors, and they are not visible behind the fences. Can you imagine what the territory of the plots is? There are few people who communicate with anyone. Neighbors on the street can say hello if you take your children to one development center, but no more, ”the heroine shared.

Once she worked in the house of a famous restaurateur on Rublevka. He and his second wife were absorbed in secular life and were not engaged in his son, so the nanny was used to being with the boy alone.

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About babysitting duties

The main duties of a nanny are child care and development.

“I spend most of my work time looking after my child and teaching him basic things - how to hold a spoon, for example, or wash his hands. Often, together with the children, we sculpt from plasticine, learn to play with new toys that parents bring, ”said the nanny.

At the same time, according to her, in the past family she also managed the farm, salted cucumbers, polol in the garden for the winter, dug up the plot.

“In another family, I had additional income - I was made the general director of some secondary family business: I was paid for going to banks, taking out loans of three million rubles each, receiving some interest. According to the documents, it was my business, and I was reassured only by the fact that if something happened "we will all sit down together." However, the family was wonderful and worth it all, ”the woman admitted.

She said that in most cases children are raised according to the principle “everything is possible”. But she was lucky with the pupils.

“My current pupil, Kirill, is just a kitten, he doesn't even need to say anything across the board, but such children are very rare,” added the nanny.

According to her, there are families where in no case can you help a child because of the statement that children should learn everything themselves.

“Many girls and boys wear a crown carefully guarded by their parents and are raised as princesses and princes on the principle that everything exists for them. And sometimes the crown is not an image. One of my pupils in the morning put on a real tiara, and walked in it, only took it off at night and did not take it to school, ”the woman shared.

She also said that all children are insured and tied to expensive private clinics.

“Basically all the children I work with are allergy sufferers. No rice, no porridge, no fruit, but what to feed? There is a cook in the house, but I still cook for the child, clean up after him. Sometimes I cook for my parents too, but nothing unusual: porridge, soup, cutlets or pies, for example, ”the heroine summed up.

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