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What you should know about bad habits, and how to get rid of them


Source: CNS

Harmful habits cease to give us guilty pleasure, as soon as skin aging accelerates before our eyes, traitorous wrinkles appear, hair deteriorates and a whole set of troubles appear that have a bad effect on our health and beauty.

Photo: Shutterstock

Jamming sweet

Problem: Let's start with a familiar habit for all of us, which supposedly helps to get rid of stress, writes CNS. It is formed simply by reflex. Once you were worried or worried for some reason, you ate something sweet and got a lot of pleasure from it. The body remembered. Then you repeated it a couple more times and formed a conditioned reflex yourself. When you have stress, you are seized with sweet and relieved.

Decision: Get rid of all the products that are badly affecting your body shape (for example, feed your fitner) and be only useful. Today the market is full of diet food, which, among other things, is also very tasty. But this is not all - conduct an internal dialogue with you. Ask yourself if you want to relieve stress in this way? Or perhaps there is an alternative? For example, jogging or active training. But the main thing in the treatment of nerve jams is to eliminate the main source of tension. A simple rejection of sweet will not help. It is necessary to find the cause and ruthlessly get rid of it. Preferably with a specialist.

Compulsive waste of money

Problem: Buying something is a pleasure. As in the case of seizing, they did it several times and developed a reflex. The first way to break this habit is to be aware of what you are doing at the moment and why. “I feel bad now, and I want to go buy something to make it feel good” - if you understand that this habit has already gone beyond the norm and is hurting you, again, have a dialogue with yourself. What makes you feel so stressed that you need to drown out something? What do you get from shopping? Feeling of significance, satisfaction, satiety, what? Perhaps you are lacking in reciprocity or recognition.

Decision: You need to form a self-esteem and internal position with a psychologist or yourself so that you can approach a conditional bottle of perfume at the price of an airplane and tell yourself that you want to buy it just to get momentary pleasure. Often the reason for this behavior - low self-esteem. You need to clearly understand what gives you an indiscriminate waste of money, and already work with it.

Bust with makeup

Problem: Now makeup, which changes the face beyond recognition, is so common that it can be safely attributed to the most real bad habits. Worse, often too bright makeup is inappropriate for the place or the occasion. And when a girl goes out for bread in full war paint, you understand: the matter has reached the point of absurdity, you need to take action. This speaks of low self-esteem, in which a protective habit has developed to hide the real oneself behind bright makeup - this gives confidence. Constant busting with makeup is a demonstration of an inferiority complex.

Decision: The next time you do your makeup and notice that you are saying to yourself “a little more,” “a little more” and “more, more and more,” ask yourself the question: “What do I close from others and why?” Q As a therapy, try going to cafes, restaurants, or just take a walk with minimal makeup, and later - without it at all. Try to develop a new habit.


Problem: People who begin to abuse alcohol most often do not know how to weed out negative emotions. They overflow with them. And this stress needs to be relieved. Alcohol, on the other hand, disinhibits the central nervous system, and you no longer need to work on yourself - it just becomes easier and more fun for you. You get used to relieve stress with small doses of alcohol, which, of course, begin to increase as the body gets used to it.

Decision: The main task is to learn not to give oneself up with worries and not to accumulate so many negative emotions that one would like to drink them down with a bottle of wine. This can be learned. In the early stages, try to develop new habits. The same evening run, yoga, light workout in the gym. The challenge is to relieve stress in a different way. The reason for drinking alcohol is sometimes hidden in self-rejection and (hello again) in complexes. Drinking, you close yourself off from the world (and sometimes you open up too much) and turn into another person.


Problem: Most people think that smoking is relaxing. Whatever it is! It's a delusion. In fact, nicotine, caffeine, taurine, cocaine, amphetamine are substances with a very similar formula. The difference is in the nuances and strength of the impact. Alas, cigarettes do not relieve stress. Relieves stress during breathing while smoking and distraction by small movements. You are distracted and the tension is relieved.

Decision: If you want to break this habit, you need to work in two directions:

1. Learn to relieve stress in a different way. By the way, many people replace cigarettes with non-nicotine vape - the process is on, and nicotine addiction is reduced.

2. In parallel with this, it would be nice to work out a problem with a psychologist.

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