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Doctors discovered 27 contact lenses in the patient's eye


Source: Miami Herald

Фото: Depositphotos

This is one of the strangest cases in medicine. A resident of the UK decided to remove a cataract eyes and turned to an ophthalmologist.

The doctor who performed the operation found 27 contact lenses in the patient's eye. Miami Herald.

How a 67-year-old woman all this time lived with lenses in her eyes and did not notice them is incomprehensible.

It is reported that this case, described in the British Medical Journal (British Medical Journal) for 5 July, caused a general resonance in the media. An ophthalmologist, Rupal Morjarii, who removed the lenses from a woman’s eye, shared the details of the operation.

According to BMJ, the case happened back in November last year. During the operation, Morjaria and her colleagues noticed a “bluish mass” of 17 contact lenses in the patient's eye. They were all glued to each other. Optometry Today. Later, doctors discovered another piece of 10 lenses, with the result that the total number of contact lenses in one eye reached 27.

“None of us have ever seen something like this before,” said Morjaria. - It was such a large mass. All 17 contact lenses were glued. We were really surprised that the patient didn’t notice anything, as it caused tangible irritation. ”

According to FROM, the patient wore monthly disposable contact lenses for 35 years, but did not regularly contact an ophthalmologist and had no idea that many lenses were in her eyes. Morjari said the patient attributed the discomfort of old age and dry eyes.

“She was quite shocked,” said Morjaria. "When I saw her two weeks after I removed the lenses, she said that her eyes were much more comfortable."

It is unclear how long the woman lived with contact lenses in her eyes. According to Piedmont Healthcare, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends removing even long-lasting contact lenses for the night, and also clean them at least once a week. Recall that wearing contact lenses for too long can cause corneal damage.

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