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The doctor called mistakes in the use of sweat and odor remedies: what you need to know


Source: TUT.BY

Sweating is a necessary process for the body, which helps to protect against overheating in the heat. Often it (like an unpleasant odor) is masked with a deodorant or antiperspirant. What mistakes are allowed? To questions TUT.BY meets dermatologist Anna Lukashevich.

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Mistake No. 1. Use an antiperspirant instead of a deodorant

Deodorant and antiperspirant are not the same thing. The deodorant neutralizes unpleasant odors, it contains substances that inhibit and suppress the vital activity of microorganisms, affect the microflora and thereby remove unpleasant odors. Antiperspirant protects against sweat by blocking the excretory ducts. Its mechanism of action is that when applied to the skin, a protective protein film forms, which creates a mechanical barrier to sweat. This is due to the composition: antiperspirants contain salts of aluminum, zinc or other metals, often manufacturers add talc.

If you have a problem with the smell of sweat, then deodorant will help, and if with heavy sweating - an antiperspirant.

Mistake number 2. To apply an antiperspirant in the morning

Both products are applied to dry, cleansed skin: deodorant can be applied when the smell appears, but antiperspirant - once a day before bedtime. In the evening, the sweat glands are less active, and during the night the components of the antiperspirant enter the sweat glands and this is what helps to achieve the desired effect. It is useless to apply products immediately after a shower: they will not be able to block the sweat glands, since the ducts are filled with water. In addition, this can leave yellow stains on clothing.

Mistake number 3. Use immediately after shaving

You can not use a deodorant or antiperspirant immediately after shaving - there is a big risk of irritation, itching. Nevertheless, after this process, microcracks and micro-injuries may remain on the skin, which cosmetic products should not get into.

On the subject: Antiperspirant in the heat: the chemist told about the tricks of manufacturers and the real risks

Mistake number 4. Do not pay attention to redness

These cosmetics can cause allergies and itching. Most often, such a reaction can be on such components in the composition as alcohols, fragrances (mixtures that include a variety of organic substances. - Approx. TUT.BY), phthalic acid (added to help deodorant suppress unpleasant odor longer). If you have sensitive skin, read the ingredients carefully before buying.

Mistake number 5. Fight with sweat only cosmetics

If you sweat a lot in the summer - take a shower more often, this is also a method of dealing with an unpleasant odor, then. However, you need to understand that increased sweating can be a pathological condition (hyperhidrosis). If the deodorant or antiperspirant does not cope, do not start using them hourly. It would be more correct to consult a doctor and figure out what is the reason for this behavior of your body.

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