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Breaking Bad: 5 Things You Shouldn't Do After Self-Isolation


Source: Life hacker

We all look forward to the moment when we can hug friends, have a party or go on a trip. But do not rush this. Although there are early signs of weakening isolation measures in the world, the situation is still serious. The number of deaths every day is still measured in thousands. We still do not know much about coronavirus and do not have a vaccine, recalls Lifehacker.

Photo: Shutterstock

Whatever rules you enter in your area, use common sense. That's exactly what you should not do.

1. Have a party or go to a bar

Social distance measures have been introduced for a reason: they slow down the spread of the virus from person to person. A big party or gatherings in a crowded bar is a lot of contacts. If at least one of those present is a SARS ‑ CoV ‑ 2 carrier, he can transfer it to everyone else.

“I want to remind you again: this is a very contagious virus. At social events and meetings, there is always a risk that an asymptomatic carrier will unknowingly become a distributor of the disease, ”said Deborah Birks, White House Coordinator for Combating Coronavirus. “Everyone who wants to get together and have a party for 20 people, take a moment.”

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2. Stop washing hands

Even when restrictions are loosened, this does not mean that the coronavirus is over. Many organizations and stores will have to be reopened for economic reasons, although the virus will still spread, albeit more slowly than now.

Remember that the goal of self-isolation and other preventive measures is to avoid crowded hospitals and overloading the healthcare system. So let the habit of washing your hands longer and more thoroughly remains with you. It is always important, especially after contact with a large number of people and surfaces in public places.

3. Visit people at high risk right away

Surely you want to quickly see the older generation of relatives, but do not rush into this. Vaccines for widespread use are not yet expected, and for people at risk, distancing is still the best way to protect. Before you go to them, think carefully about whether this visit is really necessary.

4. Start a big trip

When travel is allowed again, hotel and ticket prices are likely to be attractively low. But do not forget that at airports and train stations you will be in close proximity to a large number of people, which means that the risk of infection will greatly increase.

Even if you don’t get sick yourself, you can spread the virus in the places where you will be. In this way, this ailment instantly swept the whole world. If a new outbreak occurs, you are unlikely to want to get stuck in a foreign country or in some remote corner from which it is not clear how to get out.

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5. Throw away masks

In the future, we may expect a new outbreak of coronavirus or a completely new infection. So reusable masks should in no way be thrown away. When travel restrictions are loosened, it is best to combine optimism with realism. Use freedom, but do not give up precautions.

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