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Instead of a child, a pregnant British woman gave birth to a cancerous tumor.


Source: Independent

27, a two-year-old mother of children Lauren Knowles from Great Britain, experienced a heavy shock: the woman was sure that she was pregnant, but gave birth to a large tumor instead of a child, says Independent.


Loren did a home pregnancy test and got a positive result, but when she went to the ultrasound, the doctors stunned her with a rare diagnosis. Instead of a normal pregnancy, a woman developed the so-called molar one, when a new growth develops in the uterus instead of a living fetus. At the same time, all Knowles' symptoms persisted, and she looked externally, as if she was actually expecting a child.


The woman had to undergo surgery and several courses of chemotherapy, but the tumor continued to grow in size. Three months later, Knowles started bleeding right in the toilet of the hospital where she was being treated at that time. According to the woman, severe pain pierced her, and right in the bathroom she gave birth to that very tumor. “I was glad that this stuff came out of me, and now I can live in peace,” - says Lauren.


Fortunately, the doctors' fears about the woman's further infertility did not come true: soon Lauren Knowles became pregnant again, and a year after the “birth” of the tumor gave birth to a small healthy girl.

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