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Velta Zadornova: why the famous satirist divorced his first wife


Source: Clever

As you know, the official widow of Mikhail Zadornov became the satirist administrator Elena Bombina. However, in fact, Bombina was the second spouse of Zadornov. From the first he met, while still a schoolboy. For many years Velta Kalnberzin was not only a faithful companion, but also the first listener of the humorist.

Mikhail Zadornov. Photo: video screenshot YouTube / Tonight

Love from school

Mikhail Zadornov was born and raised in Latvia, tells Clever. The father of the future satirist was a famous writer in the republic. Due to this circumstance, Mikhail was a representative of the so-called “golden youth” of those years. Therefore, Zadornov visited one of the most prestigious schools in Riga. Velta Kalnberzin, daughter of the first secretary of the Latvian committee of the Communist Party, who after several years became Mikhail Zadornov’s wife, also studied at the same school.

Relationships between lovers were registered only in 1971, when Mikhail Zadornov was enrolled in the Moscow Aviation Institute. Velta Kalnberzin, by that time, had time to transfer from a Latvian university to the philological faculty of Moscow State University. After graduating from the university, Velta Yanovna entered graduate school, and her husband remained as an engineer in his native institute. Subsequently, Kalnberzin became a teacher at the department of English linguistics, and then a professor.

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Velta Zadornova, the first wife of the satirist. Photo: video screenshot YouTube / Tonight

Appearance of mistress and extramarital daughter

Over the long years of marriage, the spouses have not got children. The only daughter satirik gave birth to the second wife Elena Bombina. And that Zadornov had an affair on the side, Velta Kalnberzin was the last to know. Velta Yanovna saw photos that made the ubiquitous paparazzi. The pictures featured not only Mikhail Zadornov himself and his young passion, but also their common daughter, also Elena.

Despite scandalous photos, Velta Kalnberzin managed to save not only her face, but also good relations with her unfaithful husband. Moreover, during 17 years after the birth of the illegitimate daughter, Zadornov did not divorce Kalnberzin. To dissolve the marriage of the artist asked Helen Jr. The girl was very upset when one of the television programs reported that Kalnberzin was still the official wife of her father. In order for her daughter not to worry, Mikhail Nikolayevich finally filed for divorce.

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Elena Bombina, widow Zadornov. Photo: video screenshot YouTube / Tonight

Illness and testament

But even after the dissolution of the marriage, Velta Kalnberzin was not angry with Zadornov. They did not even share the property through the court: they agreed on their own. Until the end of his days, Mikhail Nikolayevich helped Velta Yanovna: he supplied Kalnberzin with personal money and paid for the work of his personal driver. The ex-wife also cared for Mikhail Zadornov’s elderly parents, and then himself. Despite the fact that Kalnberzin did not maintain relations with Bombina, the oncological disease found in Zadornov at the end of 2016 of the year rallied the women.

In the last months of life, Velta Yanovna and Mikhail Zadornov had a particularly warm relationship. Relatives argued that the first spouse became a satirist in something even closer to the second. However, both women and daughter Elena remained the same dear people for Zadornov forever. This is proved by the artist's testament: he divided almost all of his property among Kalnberzin, Bombina and his daughter. Only Zadornov left his library to a friend.

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