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In the USA, they proved that babies should not be given antibiotics.


Source: The Daily Mail

Babies receiving antibiotics and drugs to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, up to 400% more likely to suffer from allergies and eczema, scientists say.

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In recent years, allergies have become a real epidemic, especially among children, for whom the reaction to food is becoming common, writes The Daily Mail. Experts say that the delicate balance of the intestinal microbiome, disturbed by both antibiotics and antacids, has a profound effect on the entire immune system.

If for some children the manifestation of allergic reactions is just a slight redness or irritation of the skin, then for someone contact with the wrong food or medicine can be fatal. In the human body, allergy begins at the moment when the immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless element of the environment that has penetrated inside as a dangerous pathogen, and begins to violently reject it.

In the process of a child's development, his immune system gets acquainted with various elements, forms and builds up a defense against what is really dangerous. From new and unfamiliar dangers, immunity can be protected by mass production of antibodies. And sometimes this process malfunctions - for example, antibodies begin to be produced against harmless elements such as particles of grass, pollen, food or drugs.

Some scientists believe that the whole point is in the increased purity that parents are trying to provide for their child in the modern world. But adults also live in a too clean world when it comes to developed countries. On the one hand, this protects against a number of infections, on the other hand, it prevents the immune system from getting to know the dangers in order to develop adequate protection.

In the process of vital activity, the intestine and the immune system work together. But antibiotics and antacids noticeably affect the intestinal microflora and impoverish it, since these drugs do not “understand” the difference between harmful and beneficial bacterial flora. Interfering with the delicate balance leads to allergies, which currently affect about 10% of American adults and up to 40% of children.

Experts emphasize that in some cases, the prescription of antibiotics and anti-acid drugs is absolutely necessary, but such cases must be weighed and be conscious of this issue. This concerns not only doctors, but also parents.

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