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In the New York subway, the homeless woman cut a woman’s face with a one-year-old child.


Source: New York Post

The tragic incident occurred on Sunday morning. 31-year-old Anna Martinez was brutally attacked by the homeless, reports New York Post.

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In New York, the mother (Anna Martinez) and her one-year-old daughter were on the subway. Next to her at the station is a homeless woman. She began to behave strangely, and the woman with the child decided to sit down for safety.

This situation has infuriated the homeless, which the police never identified. She rushed to Martinez and cut her face from the left side with an unknown object, a police source told the publication.

The victim immediately called an ambulance and was sent to Bellevue (Bellevue Hospital). She had 30 stitches on her face.

Martinez's mother, Anna Flores, burst into tears, describing what the attacker had done to her daughter and how lucky it was that nothing happened to her little granddaughter. “My daughter got her face cut when she was with the baby,” said Flores, who arrived on the scene with her husband to pick up the baby when Martinez was sent to the hospital. - I can not believe it".

It is noted that the police were at the scene “almost immediately”. The suspect tried to escape, but was soon detained. She behaved inappropriately. However, no weapons were found. According to police, the woman was arrested over 60 times, mainly for drugs, as well as for prostitution and illegal entry. According to the police, she is listed under several pseudonyms.

This incident caused a considerable stir among the residents of New York, and also became a serious reason for the city police to pay attention to the growth of crime in the subway.

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