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In New Jersey, a car with a sleeping baby was towed to a parking penalty.


Source: NBC

In New Jersey, 46-year-old Yukwig Jiang was accused of negligent treatment of children, as she left her two-year-old daughter in a car and went about her business to the bank. Writes NBC, the woman parked the car in the wrong place and was evacuated along with the child to the parking penalty.

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It is noted that the woman left the car in the parking lot of a supermarket located next to Chase Bank, although there were marks in the parking lot that cars can only be left to customers. Notice that people did not leave the car in the parking lot of the supermarket, were at the office Chase Bank.

When Jiang returned to the parking lot, she did not find the car. She called 911 and found out that the car had been evacuated to ABC Towing on 1580 Bergen Blvd.

The police found a girl who was sleeping in the back seat, covered with a blanket.

The woman was released from custody, but a hearing was scheduled for April 13. The child was transferred to the guardianship of the family.

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