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In California, parents can get free special cots for babies


Source: The Penny Hoarder

Children are happiness. But happiness is not cheap, especially if you grow them in America. Therefore, you may like the opportunity to receive a free cot for a newborn along with goods for a baby as a gift.


All this is offered by the company. The baby box co - A free box for a child is already available to residents of California and nine other states, writes The Penny Hoarder.

If you are not familiar with this company, then it does exactly what it says in its name: it develops and creates boxes for newborns. Boxes that can be used as cots. And this is a great thing.


For decades, children in Finland sleep in boxes, which the state gives parents for the birth of each baby. At the same time, the infant mortality rate in infancy is extremely low in this country - much lower than in the USA. Inspired by the Finnish tradition, The baby box co suggested that American parents change the approach to sleep a newborn. The company's products are certified and completely safe.


Boxes are 26,75 inches long, 16,75 inches wide and 11,5 inches deep (67 cm, 42 cm and 29 cm, respectively) are offered with a small rigid mattress and suitable sheets. The main offer also includes free child care and mom's health products - diapers, diapers, feminine hygiene items, creams, clothes, a waterproof bag and educational cards.

Standard set. Photo: TheBabyBoxCo

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that newborns sleep on their backs on a firm surface and a fixed sheet to reduce the risk of SIDS. Since the boxes are in line with this wish, some states, including New Jersey, are planning to donate them to parents in collaboration with The baby box co. In addition, the company is also engaged in teaching parents using online video on the topics: breastfeeding, postpartum depression, child development.

The new launch of the program in California has become the largest in the United States. Last year, the boxes were distributed in New Jersey, Ohio and Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin, and the company also distributes boxes on a limited basis in other states.

If you live in another state - you can buy box for money. 69,99 dollars are worth the base kit and 199,99 for the most complete version.

California parents can get the boxby completing the following steps:

  1. Visit link and join Baby box university as a resident of the state.
  2. Check out the online course created by local experts.
  3. Pass a small questionnaire to get a certificate of the listener.
  4. Choose the nearest pickup point (for a 4 dollar, you can get a box home).

Children can sleep in such a box until the 5-6 age of one month or until they learn to get up on their own. After that, the box can be used as a place to store toys or children's things.

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