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Schoolgirl deported from Germany came back thanks to friends


Source: Deutsche Welle

15-year-old Bivsi Rana did not hold back tears at the airport. Photo: screenshot from RP video

After eight weeks of deportation to Nepal, 15-year-old Bivsy Rana returned to Germany, which she considers to be her home.

At Dusseldorf airport, a girl was met by her classmates, thanks to whom she was able to return, reports Deutsche Welle.

After the German authorities took Bivsi directly from the lessons in May and with her parents expelled her from the country, her classmates organized a mass protest against her deportation. They appealed to the mayor of Duisburg and the federal government to react and take some action.

Bivsi was born in Germany, and her parents moved to the country from Nepal in 1998. They were denied refugee status several times. In 2013, the family has expired residence permit. In 2016, the administrative court once again rejected the request of Bivsey parents for refugee status. The city authorities noted that from a legal point of view, the deportation of the family was legal. In Germany, even if you were born in the country, you are not automatically granted citizenship.

Bivsi Rana Photo: screenshot from RP video

Arriving back in Germany, Bivsey could not hold back her tears. She was moved to see her friends. Many schoolchildren greeted her with posters: "Welcome, Bivsey!"

Classmates meet at Bivsey Airport. Photo: screenshot from RP video

It is noted that it was the initiative of schoolchildren that influenced the decision to return Bivsey. This was announced by the mayor of Duisburg Seren Link.

After two months of bureaucratic wrangling and protests, Bivsy was offered a “student visa under an exchange program” so that she could return to Germany. The visa also allows Bivsie's parents to accompany her for humane considerations.

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