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Outdated 'secrets' of beauty and health that do not work and can harm



For the health of the stomach - kefir, sour cream - instead of cream after tanning. Such methods have been in the top of popular folk methods for improving beauty and health for decades. It seems to people that since their ancestors were treated like this, then they can safely use grandfather's advice, and nothing else will be needed.

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Douching for Women's Health

A popular "folk" method of treatment for inflammation of the uterine appendages is a decoction of juniper berries, recalls It is often used as a douching solution. However, modern obstetrician-gynecologists strongly recommend that you forget about this procedure. Douching does not bring any benefit, but can easily destroy the finely balanced microenvironment of the vagina. And in the presence of infection, this is also a sure way to “drive” it into the organs located above.

Any inflammation is best treated by a doctor, and intimate hygiene should be looked after with special modern means: gels or special liquid soaps corresponding to the acidity of the intimate zone.

On the subject: 22 myth, in which gynecologists are asked not to believe anymore

Sour cream instead of sunblock

It seems that we know from childhood that if we suddenly get burned, the problem can be easily solved with sour cream. The fatty oils in the fermented milk product really moisturize and nourish irritated skin, relieving pain. However, sour cream will not help heal a wound from a long exposure to the sun, in addition, there is a risk of bringing bacteria to the sensitive part of the body - sour cream does not have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is better to use special moisturizers, panthenol and aloe vera products, and leave sour cream for lunch.

Vitamin deficiency easy to fill with vegetables and fruits

Changing the rhythm of life and nutrition, life in big cities and stresses make almost all of us need vitamins. In the old days, eating what grew up in their own garden, people did not hear about such an “ailment”. True, today the problem cannot be solved if you just go to the neighbor’s site and pick everything up there or pick up a large grocery basket in the supermarket. Shop tomatoes, cucumbers and berries do not give the maximum of beneficial properties that we are counting on. In addition, we rarely can be sure of their absolute quality.

And few people realize how many ingredients are useful for the body: for example, to replenish the daily intake of vitamin A, you need to eat 13 tomatoes or 40 sweet cherries daily. An alternative to the garden is a vitamin and mineral complex. You can find out what substances you need, after passing the tests and consulting an immunologist.

Enema cleanses the body

Many have heard that buying a hot dog on the street is a guarantee to put worms in yourself. Fear of sharing your body with worms leads people to wash themselves with enemas every week, buy anthelmintics, and eat garlic in pounds. However, neither hunger nor independent detox methods will lead to anything good. Exhausting diets will lead to a breakdown of protein, a reduction in muscle mass and a decrease in immunity.

And the frequent use of an enema, as modern doctors have long proved, leads to leaching of beneficial bacteria from the body. If for some reason you suspect yourself of an unwanted guest, then consult a doctor and take tests. Only the correct diagnosis will help to take the necessary measures.

On the subject: Products that absolutely should not be in the menu of women

Kefir helps cleanse the intestines

Since the end of the XIX century, people have adapted to help their digestion with the help of fermented milk products (more precisely, the lactobacilli contained in them). The method actually helps and makes you feel better after a drink. But more than 100 years ago, Russian scientist, Nobel Prize winner Ilya Mechnikov scientifically substantiated: a healthy body, on the contrary, wears out faster due to toxins accumulating in the intestines that remain there after kefir. He deduced that for some yogurts, kefir, fermented baked milk and other dairy products, on the contrary, are useful. For example, with dysbiosis, after a long medication or prolonged stress.

“Perhaps our ancestors did not suffer as much from lactobacilli as we do, because these organisms eventually learned to adapt to difficult conditions,” says Kirill Proshchaev, MD, head of the Gerontology Research Medical Center.

Man cannot control the changing world of bacteria and their ability to survive. We still have the opportunity to strengthen the immune system, increasing the resistance to infections. 70% of the whole body's immune cells are located in the intestine, protecting against pathogenic bacteria and viruses with the help of microflora.

If vitamin-mineral complexes make up for the deficiency of vitamins today, then the intestinal microflora is restored by metabiotics - in the broad sense of the word, these are useful bacteria excretions that promote the growth of beneficial microflora and help the intestines.

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