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Fatigue or depression: how to deal with it and why it matters



There is a complex relationship between fatigue and mental health. How to understand that lethargy and drowsiness are already depression? Explains TUT.BY, with a link to Huffpost.

Photo: Shutterstock

Fatigue is a very common symptom of depression

“Fatigue affects more than 90% of people with severe depressive disorder,” explains Nadine Kaslow, professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine (USA).

It's not just about having a physical problem waking up in the morning or getting sleepy after noon (although these are certainly all acceptable symptoms). Fatigue can also manifest itself as a general, constant lack of energy. It seems that even relatively simple tasks require a lot of physical and emotional effort.

The relationship between fatigue and depression is complex

When it comes to depression and fatigue, "there may be an underlying component that causes both," explains Betty Lye, psychologist and assistant professor at the School of Education and Human Development at Boston College, USA. She pointed out the possible role of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system in helping to regulate the body's response to stress: "Chronic stress can disrupt its functioning and lead to sleep problems, fatigue and depression."

Thus, a common biological background may be one of the reasons for the link between fatigue and depression, but not the only one. About 80% of people with depression have trouble sleeping - addiction develops in both directions. Insomnia can lead to or worsen depression. Depression itself can also lead to insomnia. In addition, people with comorbid sleep disorders may be more vulnerable to depression.

“This connection can lead to a vicious circle that people find it difficult to break,” explained Caslow.

On the subject: Xnumx Signs That You May Have Hidden Depression

Watch for loss of interest

Mental health experts emphasize that the symptoms of fatigue associated with depression do not always manifest as physical exhaustion. "A warning sign for depression:" Oh, I liked doing it ... But I don't want to anymore, there is no motivation, "said psychotherapist Tameka Brewington.

Therefore, when diagnosing depression, mental health professionals pay more attention to a kind of emotional fatigue, loss of motivation.

And if you are motivated to do everyday things, but you just feel too exhausted for this, you need to focus on identifying the causes of fatigue.

In any case, if you suspect you are depressed, it is important to seek help, experts say. There are many effective ways to treat it, from therapy to support groups.

The material is published for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical advice and does not replace medical advice. ForumDaily Woman is not responsible for any diagnosis made by the reader based on the site's materials, as well as for the consequences of self-medication, and may not share the point of view of the author or expert.

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