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We accelerate hair growth twice: products and masks

Sveta Kotina



You wanted to urgently change the hairstyle? Not very well visited the hairdresser and now you can’t pass by the mirror without screaming? In this article we will show you how to adjust your diet and what you need to do to speed up the process of growth of healthy and strong hair as much as 2 times.



Besides the fact that salmon is good for memory, it protects our nervous system from aging and relaxes the brain, its Omega-3 fatty acids significantly improve the elasticity and smoothness of the skin and add shine to eyes, nails and hair. In addition, vitamin D and protein are the building blocks for hair follicles. It is desirable that the meat of salmon is present in the diet daily.

Yellow bell pepper


If you thought that it doesn't matter what color the bell pepper is, then it is not - red, green and yellow peppers have a completely different composition of vitamins. For example, yellow owes its color to the fact that it contains a large amount of carotenoids. Red pepper contains 63 milligrams of vitamin C, while yellow pepper contains 341! All this is beneficial for hair growth.

Chicken eggs


Egg white is best absorbed by the body when cooked, while the yolk, on the contrary, is raw. Therefore, it is best to eat boiled eggs or poached eggs. Regular use of them strengthens the teeth, nails, bones and hair, improves eyesight. The yolk contains lutein - a powerful antioxidant and biotin, which helps accelerate hair growth.

In addition, egg white is very beneficial effect on the scalp and the hair itself, so its use in the form of masks is directly shown. It is very simple to make a mask: mix the protein of one egg with 3 with tablespoons of natural yogurt without filler, distribute along the length of hair and leave for 20 minutes. This mask improves the hair structure, making them soft and silky.



If you did not know, then almonds are not really a nut, or rather - not a nut at all. From a scientific point of view, almonds are the stone fruit of the almond tree, which belongs to the type of plum. Its closest relatives are plums, peaches and apricots.

Like the egg yolk, almonds contain biotin, but in an even more easy-to-digest form. Almonds are high-calorie foods, but 7-10 per day (30 g) in the diet will not be a threat and will only benefit.

Sunflower seeds


Sunflower grown Indians of North America long before our era. In Europe, it appeared in the XVI century, and it was called not only “the Peruvian flower of the Sun” or “the grass of the Sun”. Sunflower seeds are rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D and B vitamins. Vitamin E in the seeds is so much that 50 g is enough to meet the daily needs of an adult. Vitamin D, which is also abundant here, is necessary for the growth of bones, nails and hair.



Oysters are rich in mineral salts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper and zinc, which is very beneficial effect on the growth and structure of the hair. There is so much zinc in oysters that a total of 3 per day will give the body 500% of normal. At the same time, we are not threatened with “overdose”, because a wise organism will store it ... in the hair, accelerating their growth. And this is exactly what we need!

Sweet potato or carrot with butter


The sweet potato or “sweet potato” itself is very useful for the organism as a whole, and it is also rich in beta-carotene for the formation of a healthy hair structure. If there is no sweet potato nearby, then it is quite possible to replace it with carrots with olive oil.



Avocado fruits are practically free of carbohydrates and sugar, while it is very rich in fatty acids, which, in combination with protein and an extensive mineral composition, makes it a valuable dietary product. Due to the fact that avocado stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, it helps to improve skin condition and directly affects the growth and quality of hair, stimulating the activity of hair follicles.

Hot pepper


The oldest method for accelerating hair growth. It's all about the substance that hot pepper is rich in - capsocin. It is its burning effect on the scalp that stimulates unbridled hair growth, while the hair becomes thicker, stronger and stops falling out. For hair masks, you can use both the pepper itself and its pepper tincture. By irritating the scalp, it increases blood flow to the hair follicles, improving their nutrition and activating growth.

It is necessary to carry out such procedures very carefully and for a short time - it is enough to feel a slight burning sensation and you can immediately wash it off. You need to be extremely careful with mucous membranes and eyes!

Enter the specified products and procedures into your diet, and the results will not be long in coming!

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