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The sign language interpreter eclipsed the rap star while working on a concert. VIDEO.


ForumDaily Woman

Being a translator for people with hearing problems is very difficult. But imagine how you should treat your work to make music accessible to deaf people at concerts!

At the concert of Snoop Dogg, which was held as part of the jazz festival in New Orleans, all attention was focused not on a world-wide star, but on a woman who was performing a simultaneous sign translation at the stage. It was so artistic, open and consistent with the situation that even the most ardent rapper fans got distracted from their idol.

Holly Maniatti has been a sign language certified translator for over 16 years. And her videos with the sign language of the songs of musical stars are gaining hundreds of thousands of views. Since childhood, she was interested in language and the opportunity to be useful to people who do not have the opportunity to hear everything themselves, and this she considers her highest achievement.

Twitter: Holly Maniatty (@BirdVery)

Holly works with the organizers of music festivals that are not indifferent to the problems of hearing impaired. She and her team prepare for concerts in advance, study musical tastes, biography and musicians' particularities in order to be able to most reliably transfer music from the stage to their listeners with limited perception possibilities.

The first musical group whose songs translated Holly Maniatti were The beastie boys. Since then, she often participates in the concert programs of stars, the most popular of which were Eminem and Jay-Z.

The fact that her work at the rapper concert was filmed and became a viral video, Holly considers pure luck. The translator is very pleased that her team is getting to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities perception.


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