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Unique baby from Florida lives with Einstein's hair


Source: The Daily Mail

Evelyn Cubbage from Lowtie, Florida, lives with an extremely rare condition - the girl's hair is constantly bristling in different directions, resembling the so-called "Einstein hairstyle", in association with the constantly disheveled hair of a famous scientist.

Little Evelyn's Uncombable Hair Syndrome has a genetic mutation with which hardly 100 people live worldwide. At the same time, the child's hair sticks out randomly in different directions, and it cannot be smoothed, writes The Daily Mail.

The five-year-old “straw” blonde's strands are naturally straightened and stable, and they never grow long enough for a child to need a haircut.

It was believed that the same genetic mutation was in Albert Einstein, so it is impossible to find a single photograph of him with neatly combed hair. Outsiders say that the girl looks like a “XNUMXth century scientist” and is often asked if she was electrocuted.

Albert Einstein. Photo: Wikipedia / Library of Congress

And although the girl's mother, Nicole, 34-year-old, is upset because of rude comments, she says that such words are dissolved in a sea of ​​compliments that her daughter receives.

Mother tries to put Evelyn's hair in a ponytail, fixing with hairspray, but even this does not hold them for long.

Nicole, a decorating pastry chef, says: “People always touch her hair and tell her how beautiful she is. Everyone is fascinated by the color and how soft her hair is. ”

Mom says that her daughter never had a real haircut. From time to time Nicole cuts something that can be cut for the comfort of the child, but usually these are small areas of hair.

Evelyn understands that her hair is different from everyone else, so for the most part, it does not bother her. From time to time she becomes upset because she cannot have long hair like girls in a classroom.

According to the mother, the girl was born without any hair on her head. Unusual strands began to appear on her head at ten months, while the entire head was covered with hair only by the age of two.

The family has no plans to do anything with Evelyn's hair.

“This is what makes her unique. We're not going to do anything about it, unless she's worried about her hair when she gets older, ”says mom.

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