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Scientists first admitted the possibility of contagious cancer, diabetes and obesity



Until now, it was believed that illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity are not transmitted from person to person, writes

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However, Canadian researchers have hypothesized that these diseases are transmitted through tiny organisms from the host to another organism.

According to them, cancer can develop in the human body due to its genetic predisposition, as well as environmental factors and lifestyle.

On the subject: Confirmed by Science: 7 Habits That Can Help Reduce Cancer Risk

Researchers suggest that many diseases that are classified as non-communicable can still be transmitted from person to person. Moreover, they are transmitted through a specific microbiome (a term used to refer to all the trillions of microorganisms that exist in our body).

In particular, scientists suggest that the microbiome of cancer patients is different from the microbiome of healthy people. If the diseased microorganism is transferred to a healthy body, it will infect it. Researchers have proven that microbiomes can still be transmitted from person to person through close contact.

“Germs are good and evil. They can play a central role in the transmission of diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, ”the text says.

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It is noted that if the theory turns out to be true, then it will completely reverse the established views on healthcare.

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