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Scientists have found one mistake in all diets at once.



The long-awaited summer is approaching - and more and more people who want to get in shape appear. But all efforts may be in vain due to a common mistake for all diets, scientists from the University of California believe.


As it turned out, it does not matter whether you resort to a refined grapefruit or ketodiet, or soak buckwheat in kefir, writes

If you do not consume enough water at the same time, the result is likely to be not as expected.

- By itself, consuming large amounts of water will not be enough to promote substantial weight loss. But it helps when it enters a diet, - it is told in the message.

Scientists note that it is especially important for extreme diets, especially for those in which slimming consumes a lot of meat.

In such cases, the lack of a sufficient amount of fluid in the body can not only reduce the effectiveness of losing weight, but also lead to kidney problems, for example.

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