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The clown killer was arrested 27 years after the crime. A PHOTO


Source: The Guardian

In Wellington, Fla., The criminal murder case filed in 1990 was resumed. The murderer, dressed in a clown suit, shot dead a resident of the city named Marlene Warren. It was not possible to find him then, but after 27 years, the killer was calculated, he tells The Guardian.


One day in May, the doorbell rang at Marlene Warren's house. An unsuspecting woman opened it - a man in a clown costume with a bouquet of flowers and fancy balls was standing on the threshold. One of the balloons read: "You are the best." The clown shot Marlene in the face with a pistol. The wounded woman was hospitalized, but two days later she died.

It is noteworthy that the deceased left a decent inheritance, which, according to the will, was received by her husband - these are real estate objects, and a car rental company, and decent insurance. That is why the police first suspected Marlene's husband, Warren Michael, or his then-mistress, Sheila Keane. However, the evidence obtained was not enough for the prosecution, and the case was closed. The husband of the deceased was soon imprisoned for selling parts of stolen cars, and immediately after leaving prison, he married Sheila Keane.

In 2014, the Florida police received a special permit for the resumption of unsolved criminal offenses. Modern technologies of DNA examination allowed to establish the real killer. She was Keila Keane, the mistress - and now his wife - a widower, Warren. She is already detained on suspicion of murder, but what will happen to her spouse is not yet known.

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