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American beliefs and traditions


Americans of all nationalities and skin color have some common creeds and ideals that everyone believes in, from young to old.


First of all, it is a belief in freedom, constitution, human rights, democracy. We all know this from numerous films and TV series. When arrested, the cops always read out the rights, because if this is not done, the criminal will have to be released.

It is impossible not to mention equality: men and women are equal, young and old, white and black, homosexual and heterosexual.

Also, all Americans believe that their country is the best in the whole world. And even though many have never been outside of it, they clearly realize their superiority)).

It's also a land of opportunity. If you can become successful here, you can do it everywhere)).

Patriotism is one of their virtues)). The American flag flies over every other house, and on July 4 rivals Christmas in scope.

The states are very important family. Even if all the members have traveled around the country, they will definitely get together for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner.

And at the same time they very early become independent. At the age of 18, they leave their father's house, going to college. Living with your parents is not comme il faut. Better to rent an apartment with a neighbor, as in the TV series "Friends")). Who would want that?

Well, one cannot fail to mention religion - this is an important part of their life, and your attitude towards it will certainly be pushed out of you)).

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