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You are your own personal motivation.

Anna Garnets

Fitness trainer, author of HitFit weight loss method


Real stories about real victories over yourself

This article is for WomanForumDaily the twentieth, and on her topic did not have long to think.

My mission is to return to women love for themselves and their bodies through physical activity and proper nutrition.

This may sound very easy, but believe me that when you are confronted with the real fate of a person, sometimes it is very difficult to accomplish your task.

Many women sacrifice themselves throughout their lives, forgetting about themselves. But the victims are different.

The classic option is when family and children come first, taking care of themselves, their appearance becomes secondary and over the years a woman fades away, becoming covered with wrinkles, a crust of cellulite and extra pounds.

There are women who sacrificed themselves to laziness, which for me personally is like rotting. “My husband loves me any ...” - words in which they sincerely believe. Laziness manifests itself in all areas of life and germinates like a weed. I see this type of women right away, they rarely turn to me for help, because they are too lazy to strain, but if they do, then we do a great job together.

There are women who sacrificed themselves to a man. They never have time for themselves, because my husband has fishing, training, a trip ... and we need to help him. Their self-esteem is often very low, because their female part has not attracted a man for a long time and a person does not cause interest. The body can be attractive by nature, but not radiate any energy. Although most often they look tired, stooped and drooping, even if they are smiling and laughing.

There are just victims. A separate type of women who enjoy their condition.

There are plenty of options, but I think you get the gist.

What unites them all?

1000 and 1 reason not to love yourself and your body!

The reasons are always very convincing:

I work from morning till night, I don't have time to train

(Seriously? There are complexes on 10-15 minutes a day, and it takes 5 minutes to stand in the bar and make a vacuum).

I have no money for a coach

(You have no desire. On the Internet, you can find videos of any complexity and do the exercises yourself).

I can't cook for myself separately - it's long and expensive

(I don't want to leave my comfort zone and give up fried potatoes - this is how I hear this phrase. The simpler the food and the easier the way of processing it, the healthier it is. A kilogram of sausage costs more than a chicken fillet, from which you can make 1000 delicious recipes for the whole family)

I have nowhere to move, I spend the whole day in the office and at the wheel

(Desire! If you want to change, you can always find an opportunity. Climb up the stairs, think up tasks for yourself when you need to get on foot, put the car in a block from the office. I know girls who walked in the evening at the TV).

I can not eat steamed, boiled, without salt .... I do not climb

(But the eclair with cappuccino and beer with nuts always climbs. Dietary dishes are very tasty, if you show a little imagination, and tastes change over time and the craving for salty and sweet disappears).

I can't drink that much water, I'm not used to

(You can also add that I am swollen and cannot always run in search of a toilet. But we must understand once and for all that water is the source of life, and if there is a goal to live longer, then you will have to love drinking clean water).

I think that just words are clinging very few people, because there are a lot of similar articles on the Internet. I will give you concrete examples where everyone had their own reason for gaining weight, many reasons not to make an effort, a lot of doubts and a great desire to change.

All photos are published from the personal archive and only with the consent of the owners.

(I will tell you in confidence that for them this article is an even greater incentive to keep yourself in shape).


Young mom

His transformation began as soon as the doctor allowed physical exertion.

Breastfeeding, sleepless nights and taking care of a baby 24 hours a day without the help of grandparents and babysitters was her habitual way of life.

Time was found at the earliest, while the husband was still at home, and the child was already full and calm. We met when it was still dark outside and were the first in the club.

Our work took 3 months, and during this time there were only two or three workout passes due to the cold of the child.

The photos of the food reports I received on VibER made up 30% of my cookbook, which I write for clients. Dietary food was prepared as a work of art, and there was absolutely no flour without salt, alcohol, pizza and cakes.

Daily cross stroller, 30 minutes per day extra exercise on non-training days.

Full adaptation of the menu to the tastes of her husband. And the most important thing is that I have never heard that it was difficult and that I was tired.

And she could have been sitting with the title “young nursing mother”, “active loads spoil the taste of milk” and a solid alibi for weight and laziness.

Result: was 74 kg, after three months 62 kg (breastfed - 12 kg)


Photo from the personal archive of the author.

Freelancer, young mom

Caring for a child is complicated by the floating schedule of work and is completely irregular employment. It was difficult to plan a meal schedule even two days ahead.

In addition to everything, a couple of weeks after an unsuccessful raising to the arms of the child, his back ached, and the doctor forbade any loads.

It was difficult to get used to the regime, but in the end, with the help of dietary control and without physical exertion, we got this result in just a month's 2.

It is very difficult to describe the amount of our work in a nutshell, but I can say that the girl put 90% of all possible forces.

And it could have been unchanged, because there is no time at all and, in addition, back problems are the perfect excuse for being overweight and lazy.

Bottom line: it was 90 kg, it became 82kg (-8 kg only on proper nutrition)


Valuable office employee with a very tight schedule

The story is classic and familiar to many. Office worker, responsible position and frequent delays at work. There was another detail that the office was very far from home, and the main issue that bothered was where to find time for training and cooking. But there was a great desire to change and feel active and attractive again.

Schedule of the day:

Lifting to 5: 30-6: 00.

Workout 30 minutes (5 once a week).

Returning from work to 21: 00 (it happened in 22: 00).

How to find time to gain the necessary minimum number of steps per day?

  1. Getting to the 1 stop earlier, then to the 2 ...
  2. Stop using elevator at work and at home.
  3. Think about walking routes to the grocery store.
  4. And if during the day did not work, then walk before bedtime near the TV (and this is not a joke).

For another three months of our work, we met for a joint training session every Sunday.

And it could be, as it was in recent years - a child and a husband are at home, work takes all the time, and you also need to rest, what kind of sport, activity and proper nutrition? There is no time for this.

Bottom line: it was 75 kg, after three months of working on myself 64 kg (-11 kg).


Photo from the personal archive of the author.

Mom of two children, on maternity leave

This is an example when the strength of character is such that any goal has only one outcome - execution at the highest level, and there are no other options.

We worked 3,5 of the month to achieve this result, but I was always amazed by something else. The workout was entered into the plan for the day from at least 25 cases.

Children in three circles per day, perfect order at home, there is always delicious food for all family members separately, perfect manicure, painting, face care and a million small things for the family.

Training at the same time increased from 0 to 9-10 on a ten-point scale.

All recommendations for food were executed perfectly and had to persuade to break at least for one evening in order to push the body to new results.

And how could it be? Millions of “miracle” - procedures for losing weight, “super-berries” and all the currently fashionable “super-systems of losing weight without efforts for expensive”. But I don’t have time and energy for sports, of course, I have two children and so many things to do.

Bottom line: it was 75 kg, after 3,5 the month was 62 kg (-13 kg).


Beauty master, own business

Now many beauty industry workers are leaving salons and starting their own businesses. Working without a director is a responsibility to oneself, and often many girls forget about themselves in the process of business development.

Signing up for a good beauty master is difficult because he is packed with work to capacity. It is very profitable financially, but it is strongly reflected in the physical condition of the master himself.

Working without movement, in an unnatural position, where the back is always stressed, and the lack of a normal meal schedule are common attributes of a worker in this field.

But the above shows an example of how the desire to change has become stronger than any money, customers and graphics.

We checked the clock on the reports of this girl!

We also dispelled the myth that being overweight is an obstacle to intense physical activity. Everything went gradually, and as a result, even training in CrossFit was performed on 100%.

But there could be iron arguments about 100% busyness from 8: 00 to 21: 00, about the back ache, and no strength ...

Bottom line: it was 100 kg, after three months 85 kg (-15kg).

I showed an example of only five women with different schedules and different life stories.

Every life is equally difficult and equally simple, everything depends only on what a person chooses.

I will always insist that a woman should be attractive and slim first of all for herself, because only one life has been given to her.

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