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"You came so uninvited": novels and husbands of Alla Pugacheva. PHOTO, VIDEO



It seems that the prima donna of the Russian pop music strives to live nine lives in one life. Her eventful life makes talking about her even after the active creative path is almost over. The identity of this extraordinary woman has always attracted and will attract public attention. Alla Borisovna’s men are also of great interest. Still - only the official husbands of the singer was five.


First husband - Mykolas Orbakas

With her first husband, young Alla met at the audition, in which the aspiring actress herself tried out for the position of accompanist, tells The thin Lithuanian with refined manners of a gentleman attracted the attention of green-eyed red-haired Alla, and she also did not leave him indifferent.

In 1969, the lovers played the wedding. Pugacheva even changed her last name on Orbaken, but continued to perform under her. In this marriage, the musicians had a daughter, Christina, who today occupies a worthy place on the stage. At about the same time, Pugacheva had the fateful song “Harlequin” performed, and the singer was overwhelmed with a maelstrom of concerts and tours. Love could not stand the frequent separation, moreover, Alla liked the other man. Spouses divorced.

Mykolas Orbakas, Christina's father, in the 2019 program “Secret for a Million”. Photo: video frame YouTube / NTV

Despite this, Mykolas retained the warmest memories of life with Pugacheva.

On the subject: “I made a lot of mistakes in this life”: Alla Pugacheva is 70 years old. PHOTO, VIDEO

Film director Alexander Stefanovich

In the 1971 year, after the divorce from Orbakas, Pugacheva had a period of "celibacy." No, she was still surrounded by men, among whom were Konstantin Obelyan, Pavel Slobodkin, Vitaly Krytyuk. Only in the registrar singer was in no hurry.

In 1976, composer Alexander Zatsepin introduced Alla to director Alexander Stephanovich. At that time, Stefanovich was a venerable documentary filmmaker, who also tried to shoot the first music videos.

Stefanovich was able to influence the fact that Pugacheva received an apartment in Moscow, and zealously began to equip it. However, the marriage did not last long either, the couple broke up in 1980 year. Stefanovich scrupulously divided all acquired property.

Alexander Stefanovich in 2016 in the program “Mirror for a Hero”. Photo: video frame YouTube / NTV

Many years later, Stefanovich shot the series “Courage” based on his own novel, which told the story of the singer. The series was shown on the first channel, but did not have much success.

According to the version of Stefanovich, the reason for the gap was not treason or past feelings. On the set of the film “Soul”, Alla was supposed to play the main role, but she quarreled with the entire film crew.

“I then loved Alla very much,” Stefanovich admits in an interview with Oksana Pushkina, “but I didn’t come to her concerts and didn’t break. As a result, Pugachev had to be replaced by Sofia Rotaru. ”

Alexander regrets the divorce, believes that both of them were young, hot and stupid at that time.

On the subject: Three Cristina Orbakaite Love Stories

Concert Director Evgeny Boldin

In 1978, Alla met the concert director Yevgeny Boldin. He headed its theater of songs, and at first their relationship was purely business and creative. After the divorce from Stefanovich, the director and singer became close, they lived a civil marriage for a long time.

They might have continued their unofficial relationship, but the party officials did not like this situation at all. After five years of dating, the couple legalized their relationship.

Boldin gave the singer a lot, together they created a number of amazing concert programs with which Pugacheva traveled all over the Soviet Union: “Monologues”, “Our maestro is visiting”, “I came and I said.”

Evgeny Boldin sings for Pugacheva in 2011 in the program “Two Stars”. Photo: video frame YouTube / Slaifoks

The singer lived in marriage with Boldin for eight years, but in total their relationship lasted more than 12 years. Pugacheva's husband does not like to remember life with a singer, but not because he is angry or offended at her. He already has a completely different life, a young wife (singer Marina Lyakh), a small child.

Today, Boldin has moved away from show business and is thinking about building.

On the subject: Alla Pugacheva gave the first frank interview in 10 years. VIDEO

Bright hobbies and Philip Kirkorov

It must be said that, while still officially married to Boldin, Alla experienced a number of bright novels. From 1986 to 1988 she met with the musician Vladimir Kuzmin, this novel was developed almost in front of millions of fans of the singer and composer.

In 1991, a clip by Pugacheva and singer Sergei Chelobanov, “Uninvited Guest”, appeared. The audience excitedly discussed the new novel with a distinctive performer from Saratov, who could not stand the test of fame, began to abuse alcohol and drugs and soon disappeared from the pop horizon.

But the biggest noise was made by the novel of Pugacheva and the young Philip Kirkorov. Phillip all over the country confessed to the singer in love, dedicated songs to her, gave huge bouquets of roses. Every day, the future husband of Pugacheva added roses to the next bouquet of 2.

The singer won the favor of the superstar and they played the wedding. They got married in 1994 year in St. Petersburg during the tour. In this marriage, lovers lived 11 years.

On the subject: How Pugacheva and Kirkorov have told themselves the fate

Young humorist Maxim Galkin

Kirkorov himself introduced Alla Borisovna to the future husband of the parodist Maxim Galkin. In 2001, at the festival “Slavianski Bazaar” in Vitebsk, they were presented to each other. Future husband Pugacheva recalled that it was not love at first sight, but after a couple of months came a serious and deep feeling.

In 2009, the prima donna officially announced her departure from the stage, and since then she has been devoting most of her time to the family. In 2011, the stars registered a marriage, and soon, with the help of a surrogate mother, they got twin children, Lisa and Harry.

Maxim has built a real castle in the village of “Gryaz” for his beloved wife, in which the family lives to this day.

40 years looking for her first lover

«Komsomolskaya Pravda»Found out who dedicated the poems to the singer, which became the song" I Kissed You ".

“Does this poet exist at all?”, Alla Pugacheva's fans wondered in social networks. One fan said:

- Alla recorded the song “I Kissed You” for the New Year's “Blue Light” (1990 - Ed.). Hit was born thanks to a long amorous story that happened to Pugacheva. When Alla was 16 years old, a young man was in love with her. Pugacheva, on the other hand, was indifferent to his feelings, although he tried very hard to please her. He even dedicated several poems to her. Many years passed, and once, when Pugacheva was sorting out her papers, poems caught her eye. The ones that were dedicated to her. And she composed music for one of them.

The prima donna confirmed: there really was such a story in her life.

- I was 16 years old. I lived on the outskirts of Moscow. And on weekends she loved to walk in the center, - says Alla Borisovna. - I was sitting in the cafe "Sever" on Tverskaya. There I met a 17-year-old boy. He was so charmingly romantic. We walked with him until five in the evening. We walked down the center, along the boulevards, and he read poetry to me. And they were great. He said that he would definitely become a poet. Then we had to go home. And near the metro, he suggested that I meet next weekend. And a week later he presented me with a collection of poems published in samizdat that were dedicated to me. Then I lost sight of the boy. And when she already became famous, she discovered these poems and turned them into a song. Only he had poems from a man's face: "I came so unnecessary." And I sang on my own behalf: "You came so unnecessary, you came so uninvited."

Knowing that the song will be popular, I acted honestly. I came to the Authors' Society and said: "The music is mine, but the words of Sandro Niko." This is an abbreviation for Alexander Nikolaev - that was the name of the boy.

40 years have passed, and it is on Tverskaya that I meet him. He said: "My dream has come true - I am a poet, and your dream has come true - you are a singer." I tell him: “You have copyright! Go to RAO. There is probably a lot of money there. " He was incredibly surprised. Since then, I have not seen him again. Probably got rich wildly ...

How did you manage to find out "KP", the last time Alexander Nikolaev met with Alla Pugacheva shortly before his death. Alexander Aronovich taught at the university in recent years and conducted scientific work. The poet died when he was just 54. He had two children.

- Sasha was very young when he wrote these poems, - says the widow of Alexander Nikolaev, Yulia Krinchik. - Indeed, in his youth he was familiar with Alla Borisovna. Sasha wrote poetry under the pseudonym Mark Kheifits. And he gave one of his notebooks with poems to Alla.

- They say they had an affair ...

- I think that only participants in the events have the right to talk about this. When the song appeared, his friends called Sasha: “Your poems are being heard on TV. Pugacheva sings. " He turned on the TV, was surprised at the changes in the text, and smiled. He already had a completely different life. He was a famous scientist - philologist, textual critic, researcher of Tyutchev's work, translator of German poetry, taught a lot, wrote many scientific works. He, of course, was curious, but he was indifferent to this kind of popularity. Sasha since his early youth did not communicate with Pugacheva. Although she made attempts to find him. In one of her collections, Alla wrote a little theatrically under the text of this song: "Where are you now, Alexander?"

Shortly before Sasha's death, they met, by chance - on Tverskaya. On her advice, he went to the authors' society - and some interest, a small amount sometimes came to him in the savings book.

Over the past seven years, Alexander Aronovich courageously fought against a serious oncological disease - lymphosarcoma and continued to work until the last days. In April 2003, he was gone.

"I will go to the crime, so that you laugh harder"

This is the author's edited poems by Alexander Nikolaev. The text is written from a male face, and besides, it is more emotional than the version that has become a hit by Pugacheva. Some quatrains did not enter the song at all, and other lines were changed.

I came so unnecessary
I came such
Smiled tightly
Clean like that just
out of the bath.

You touched me gently
And, as if for a long time she knew
So familiar
so careless
You kissed me.

Tomorrow you will forget the everyday
In a whirlwind of festive
to whirl
There will be roses, forget-me-nots,
Dresses, lips, hands, faces ...

What prevents to be
In a whirlwind of masks in the noise
Bala? ..
This is tomorrow. Today -
You kissed me.

Tomorrow you ends
chop off
Tomorrow you will go
around the world.
And the dear will be the hands
Spread over the snow.
Not with a bag, but with a bag
In the bag - mascara, a comb,
To be back at the queens
and the ladies
So that, burning,
eyes are rotten.

There will be a new prince
Oh, not the one, his little ...
This is tomorrow. Today -
You kissed me.

Don't stop
Dye brightness, passion rage!
I will go
on crime,
So that you are stronger

Let him die
with vodka
Destined to rot
in disgrace.
This is tomorrow. Today -
You kissed me.

... You're bad too
It will be a wedge of light
in the window
Before dying viciously
Like a tattered cat.

After the world groans
“Alla, a little! Little, Alla! .. "
This is tomorrow. Today -
You kissed me.

And in spite of all the old
Whether a lot or a little,
To hell tomorrow!
After all today ...

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