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Three-year-old girl got into intensive care with a terrible allergy to baby cosmetics


Source: People

It has been several weeks since 3-year-old Lydia Kravens ended up in the hospital with the hardest urticaria and skin blisters after using a baby makeup kit bought from a local Family Dollar store.


As the girl's 36-year-old parents, Tony and Kylie, were told, in early March, little Lydia was taken to a hospital in Illinois, where doctors determined that an acute allergic reaction was caused by the result of playing with cosmetics, writes People.

“It was terrible,” Mom recalls. - When the reaction was just beginning, her eyes and face were very swollen. All we think about now is Lydia and her recovery. All the rest does not matter".


Representative Family dollar Randy Guyler made a statement in which he said that there were no complaints about the purchase directly from the family, but the company's employees are aware of the injured girl from the media and "glad to hear that she is recovering."


He also stressed that the product was tested by both the supplier and the company’s own efforts, and neither the presence of toxic substances nor any complaints from other buyers were recorded.

Parents first told about this incident on their own pages. Facebook, after mentioning that just a day after using the child’s eyes, the child’s eyes were swollen, a rash started all over her body, the girl could not eat because of blisters and cracks in her lips.

Over the past few days, little Lydia's condition has improved significantly - not to compare with the creepy first pictures.


The family shared a photo of a smiling toddler with mild redness and small residual sores on her face. Mom is looking forward to when the girl will be able to return to normal life "without drugs, nausea and oatmeal baths."

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