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Alarming symptoms: 8 signs that you need an oncologist consultation


Source: TUT.BY

The first steps in a successful fight against cancer are regular medical examinations and a timely visit to a doctor to detect the disease in the early stages. TUT.BY lists eight signs that indicate that you need to see a doctor. Consultant - oncosurgeon Yulia Bondareva.

Photo: Shutterstock

The emergence of any education

If you notice any tumor or tissue nodule, this is a reason to see an oncologist. It must be remembered that malignant tumors are often painless - especially in the early stages of the disease. When examining the body, special attention should be paid to the neck, armpits, testes in men and mammary glands in women.

Unexplained bleeding

Blood in sputum can signal lung cancer, while bloody discharge in stool can indicate colon cancer. Bleeding skin ulcers can be a symptom of melanoma or skin cancer. Persistent bloody spotting in women from the genital tract can occur with tumors of the body and cervix. Tumors can bleed on their own, or they can damage blood vessels as they grow, leading to bleeding. If you notice any of the bleeding described, you should not wait for several months, you should immediately go to the doctor.

A non-healing sore or other wound (especially in the oral cavity) is also a reason to be checked by an oncologist to rule out the likelihood of squamous cell cancer.

On the subject: Oncologists have updated recommendations for the prevention of cancer: what has changed

Breathing and voice problems

A persistent cough, shortness of breath, persistent hoarseness or hoarseness of a voice that is not associated with a cold and persists for a long time, at least more than three weeks, can cause cancer of the respiratory system. Of course, such symptoms can be the cause of other diseases: you definitely do not need to panic ahead of time, but you should exclude oncology.

Rapid weight loss

If, unexpectedly for yourself, you have noticeably lost weight in a relatively short period of time (about a couple of months) without changing your usual diet, this is a cause for concern and a trip to the doctor. Constant weakness may indicate anemia. Additionally, you may experience symptoms such as fever and sweating at night, constant fatigue and weakness.

Change in moles

The need to consult with an oncologist is indicated by the appearance of moles of heterogeneous color with uneven edges or the transformation of existing ones (change in their size, shape or color, ulceration of the surface of the birthmark or any discharge, the appearance of itching or soreness at the site of the mole).

Strong headache

Persistent nausea, severe headache that worsens with movement and decreases in an upright position, unreasonable seizures, and seizures can be early signs of a brain tumor. However, such symptoms can be associated with a large number of other diseases; if they appear, undergo a preventive examination.

On the subject: Early signs: what you need to know about the first symptoms of 'female' cancer

Bone pain

If you start to feel pain in the bones all the time, you need to be checked: this symptom may indicate malignant neoplasms in the bone tissue.

Changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system

Problems with swallowing and changes in normal bowel function, such as sudden onset of constipation or, conversely, frequent bouts of diarrhea, can be signs of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

And changes during urination, including more frequent or more acute urge, as well as difficulty or pain during urination, the presence of blood in the urine may indicate the presence of cancer of the urinary system.

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